Private Type zRGB
R As Long
G As Long
B As Long
End Type
Private Sub Form_Load()
'this is just an example

'if you don't tweak the code, you will have to

'dim a variable as "zRGB" that stores the returns

Dim cRGB As zRGB
cRGB = LongToRGB(RGB(255, 250, 255))
MsgBox cRGB.R & ", " & cRGB.G & ", " & cRGB.B
End Sub

Private Function LongToRGB(ColorValue As Long) As zRGB
Dim rCol As Long, gCol As Long, bCol As Long
rCol = ColorValue And &H10000FF 'this uses binary comparason
gCol = (ColorValue And &H100FF00) / (2 ^ 8)
bCol = (ColorValue And &H1FF0000) / (2 ^ 16)
LongToRGB.R = rCol
LongToRGB.G = gCol
LongToRGB.B = bCol
End Function

( longtorgb.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023