
Private Sub Form_Load()
ChDrive App.Path' Set the drive.
ChDir App.Path ' Set the directory.
Timer1.Interval = 1000
End Sub

Private Sub Label9_DragOver(Source As Control, X As Single, _
Y As Single, State As Integer)
Timer1.Interval = 500
End Sub

Private Sub mnuAbout_Click()
Dim Msg, Style, Title
Msg = "Any help is appreciated."' Define message.
Style = vbOKOnly ' Define buttons.
Title = "About Mod Player" ' Define title.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt)
If Response = vbYes Then' User chose Yes.
MyString = "Yes"' Perform some action.
Else' User chose No.
MyString = "No" ' Perform some action.
End If
End Sub

Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
Close #1
exit_Left Me
End Sub

Private Sub mnuOpen_Click()
'Set CancelError is True

CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
On Error Goto ErrHandler
'Set flags

CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly
'Set filters

CommonDialog1.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Mod Files" & _
"(*.Mod)|*.Mod|Xm Files (*.Xm)|*.Xm"
'Specify default filter

CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
'Display the Open dialog box

'Display name of selected file

Close #1
Form1.Text1.Text = ""
Form1.Text2.Text = ""
Form1.Text3.Text = ""
Form1.Text4.Text = ""
Form1.Text5.Text = ""
Form1.Text6.Text = ""
Form1.Text7.Text = ""
Open CommonDialog1.filename For Binary As #1
Dim Title As String
Dim channels As String
Dim sample_name1 As String
Dim sample_name2 As String
Dim sample_name3 As String
Dim sample_name4 As String
Dim sample_name5 As String
Dim sample_name6 As String
Dim sample_name7 As String
Dim sample_name8 As String
Dim sample_name9 As String
Dim sample_name10 As String
Dim sample_name11 As String
Dim sample_name12 As String
Dim sample_name13 As String
Dim sample_name14 As String
Dim sample_name15 As String
Dim sample_name16 As String
Dim sample_name17 As String
Dim sample_name18 As String
Dim sample_name19 As String
Dim sample_name20 As String
Dim sample_name21 As String
Dim sample_name22 As String
Dim sample_name23 As String
Dim sample_name24 As String
Dim sample_name25 As String
Dim sample_name26 As String
Dim sample_name27 As String
Dim sample_name28 As String
Dim sample_name29 As String
Dim sample_name30 As String
Dim sample_name31 As String
Title = String(20, " ")
Get #1, 1, Title
Form1.Text1.Text = Title
Form1.Text2.Text = ""
channels = String(4, " ")
Get #1, 1081, channels
If channels = "M.K." Then Form1.Text2.Text = "4 Channel MOD"
If channels = "6CHN" Then Form1.Text2.Text = "6 Channel MOD"
If channels = "8CHN" Then Form1.Text2.Text = "8 Channel MOD"
sample_name1 = String(22, " ")
Get #1, 21, sample_name1
Form1.Text3.Text = sample_name1
'Dim sample_length1a As String

'Dim sample_length1b As String

'sample_length1a = String(1, " ")

'Get #1, 43, sample_length1a

'sample_length1b = String(1, " ")

'Get #1, 44, sample_length1b

'Dim real_sample_length1 As String

'real_sample_length1 = ((sample_length1a * 100h) + _

'sample_length1b) * 2

'Form1.Text4 = sample_length1

'Dim fine_tune1 As String

fine_tune1 = String(1, " ")
Get #1, 45, fine_tune1
Form1.Text4 = fine_tune1
Dim volume1 As String
volume1 = String(1, " ")
Get #1, 46, volume1
Form1.Text6 = volume1
Dim loop_start1 As String
loop_start1 = String(2, " ")
Get #1, 48, loop_start1
Form1.Text7 = loop_start1
Dim loop_length1 As String
loop_length1 = String(2, " ")
Get #1, 50, loop_length1
Form1.Text8 = loop_length1
'User pressed the Cancel button

Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub exit_Left(winform As Form)
winform.Left = Trim(Str(Int(winform.Left) - 300))
Loop Until winform.Left < -e'00
If winform.Left < -e'00 Then End
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If Label9.Visible = False Then
Label9.Visible = True
Else: Label9.Visible = False
End If
If Form1.Caption = "Mod Player ~ " Then
Form1.Caption = "Mod Player ~ Under Development"
Else: Form1.Caption = "Mod Player ~ "
End If
End Sub
Uses common dialog control to open a *.MOD file

After opening a MOD file. It displays the Title,
# of Channels, and 1st Instrument name. I have a
version that shows allof the intruments but we
must be simple first.

That you know what a MOD file is ( the music kind).
Have at least 1 mod file in your possession.
If not Get one from the inter net.
That you have a form (form1) With the following:
MENU= file(mnuFile), Open(mnuOpen), Exit(mnuExit)
Then Help(mnuHelp), About(mnuAbout)
A timer1 and commondialog1.
texbox1 - textbox8 With labels (look at code to determin
labels)Also, If it matters label9 is switched from visible
false/true so after labelin all your text boxes put a
label9 out theer or delete that part of the code.

( modplayer.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023