
Public Function StrParse(Source As String, PChar As String) As Variant
'This Function take the 'Souce' parameter and a separater charater and _

creates an Array with each element containing a string ending where each _
'PChar' was found.

'This Function works great for parsing command lines and/or Nested Path

Dim pos As Integer, i As Integer
Source = Left(Source, Len(Source) - 1) + PChar 'Make sure we get the last element in string.
'begin a loop


'find the first separating PChar

pos% = InStr(Source, PChar)

'if there's one, then...

If pos% Then
ReDim Preserve TmpArray(i%)
'extract the string up to the PChar

TmpArray(i%) = Trim(Left$(Source, pos% - 1))

'and remove that from the Source string,

'so it won't be checked again

Source = Mid$(Source, pos% + 1, Len(Source))
i% = i% + 1
End If
Loop Until Source = "" Or Source = Chr(0)
StrParse = TmpArray 'Return a New Populated Array.
End Function

Public Function BuildParseStr(vArray As Variant) As String
'This Function Takes Each Element in the Array Passed and Creates _

a Parseable String. Using the " ," as the Delimeter. Could be Changed to _
Accept any Character as the Delimeter.
Dim i As Integer, BldStr As String
If Not IsArray(vArray) Then 'If not an array then return zero length string.
BuildParseStr = ""
Exit Function
End If
For i = LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray) 'Go thru each element in the array
If VarType(vArray(i)) vbString Then ' Make sure all element are string type
vArray(i) = CStr(vArray(i)) ' If Not Convert them to strings.
End If
If i = UBound(vArray) Then 'Keep from Appending last ","
'at the end of the final returned string

BldStr = BldStr & vArray(i)
BldStr = BldStr & vArray(i) & "," 'Build the String on the Fly.
End If
Next i
BuildParseStr = BldStr ' Return Parseable String.
End Function

Here are two functions that work great for parsing and
unparing strings.: Just copy the code and Place in a module :

( modrepstring.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023