
Private Sub timer1_Timer()
imgimage1(0).Top = imgimage1(0).Top + speed
imgimage1(1).Top = imgimage1(1).Top + speed
imgimage1(2).Top = imgimage1(2).Top + speed
imgimage1(3).Top = imgimage1(3).Top + speed
imgimage1(4).Top = imgimage1(4).Top + speed
imgimage1(5).Top = imgimage1(5).Top + speed
imgimage1(6).Top = imgimage1(6).Top + speed
imgimage1(7).Top = imgimage1(7).Top + speed
imgimage1(8).Top = imgimage1(8).Top + speed
imgimage1(9).Top = imgimage1(9).Top + speed
imgimage1(10).Top = imgimage1(10).Top + speed
imgimage1(11).Top = imgimage1(11).Top + speed
imgimage1(12).Top = imgimage1(12).Top + speed
If imgimage1(0).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(0).Top = 0 - imgimage1(0).Width
If imgimage1(1).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(1).Top = 0 - imgimage1(1).Width
If imgimage1(2).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(2).Top = 0 - imgLOGS1(2).Width
If imgimage1(3).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(3).Top = 0 - imgimage1(3).Width
If imgimage1(4).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(4).Top = 0 - imgLOGS1(4).Width
If imgimage1(5).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(5).Top = 0 - imgLOGS1(5).Width
If imgimage1(6).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(6).Top = 0 - imgimage1(6).Width
If imgimage1(7).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(7).Top = 0 - imgLOGS1(7).Width
If imgimage1(8).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(8).Top = 0 - imgLOGS1(8).Width
If imgimage1(9).Top >= Me.Width Then image1(9).Top = 0 - imgimage1(9).Width
If imgimage1(10).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(10).Top = 0 - imgimage1(10).Width
If imgimage1(11).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(11).Top = 0 - imgLOGS1(11).Width
If imgimage1(12).Top >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(12).Top = 0 - imgimage1(12).Width
End Sub

'move images from left to right across form

Private Sub timer1_Timer()
imgimage1(0).left = imgimage1(0).Left + speed
imgimage1(1).left= imgimage1(1).left + speed
imgimage1(2).left= imgimage1(2).left+ speed
imgimage1(3).left= imgimage1(3).left + speed
imgimage1(4).left= imgimage1(4).left+ speed
imgimage1(5).left= imgimage1(5).left + speed
imgimage1(6).left = imgimage1(6).left+ speed
imgimage1(7).left= imgimage1(7).left+ speed
imgimage1(8).left= imgimage1(8).left + speed
imgimage1(9).left = imgimage1(9).left+ speed
imgimage1(10).left= imgimage1(10).left + speed
imgimage1(11).left= imgimage1(11).left+ speed
imgimage1(12).left= imgimage1(12).left+ speed
If imgimage1(0).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(0).left= 0 - imgimage1(0).Width
If imgimage1(1).left >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(1).left= 0 - imgimage1(1).Width
If imgimage1(2).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(2).left= 0 - imgLOGS1(2).Width
If imgimage1(3).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(3).left = 0 - imgimage1(3).Width
If imgimage1(4).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(4).left = 0 - imgLOGS1(4).Width
If imgimage1(5).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(5).left= 0 - imgLOGS1(5).Width
If imgimage1(6).left >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(6).left = 0 - imgimage1(6).Width
If imgimage1(7).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(7).left = 0 - imgLOGS1(7).Width
If imgimage1(8).left >= Me.Width Then imgimage1(8).left= 0 - imgLOGS1(8).Width
If imgimage1(9).left >= Me.Width Then image1(9).left= 0 - imgimage1(9).Width
If imgimage1(10).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(10).left= 0 - imgimage1(10).Width
If imgimage1(11).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(11).left= 0 - imgLOGS1(11).Width
If imgimage1(12).left>= Me.Width Then imgimage1(12).left= 0 - imgimage1(12).Width
End Sub

'Replace "speed" with the a number, the higher the number

'the faster the image moves

Make images go up, down and across the form
Shows how to make images move up, down, left,
and right across the screen and keep going
move images from top to bottom of form

( moveimage.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023