
Sub MoveListboxItem(ctrl As ListBox, ByVal FromIndex As Long, _
ByVal ToIndex As Long)
Dim sText As String, lItemData As Long

' provide a default

If FromIndex < 0 Then FromIndex = ctrl.ListIndex
' exit if argument not in range

If ToIndex < 0 Or ToIndex > ctrl.ListCount - 1 Then Exit Sub

With ctrl
' save text and data of the current item

sText = .List(FromIndex)
lItemData = .ItemData(FromIndex)
' remove the item

.RemoveItem FromIndex
' add the item

.AddItem sText, ToIndex
.ItemData(.NewIndex) = lItemData
' select the new item

.ListIndex = ToIndex
End With
End Sub

( movelbitem.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023