
Function ConvertList(cList As Control, ByVal sText As _
String, ByVal sDelimiter As String, Optional bClear As _
Boolean = False) As String
Dim lLoop As Long
Dim lFind As Long

If Len(sText) Then
If bClear Then cList.Clear
lFind = InStr(sText, sDelimiter)
If lFind Then
cList.AddItem Left$(sText, lFind - 1)
sText = Mid$(sText, lFind + 1)
End If
Loop Until lFind = 0
If Len(sText) Then cList.AddItem sText
For lLoop = 0 To cList.ListCount - 1
If lLoop = cList.ListCount - 1 _
Then sDelimiter = vbNullString
ConvertList = ConvertList & cList.List(lLoop) _
& sDelimiter
Next lLoop
End If
End Function

'Here's how you can call it to fill a list, then output the same list

'using a different delimiter:

Call ConvertList(List1, "yellow|green|red", "|", True)
Debug.Print ConvertList(List1, "", "/")

The typical way of entering user-specified data into a
list box is one entry at a time; however, you can accept
multiple delimited entries at once and add them to a list box
with a call to this function. Passing the function a delimited
string fills the list box with the values; the list box can
be cleared first if requested in the bClear parameter.
If you pass an empty string, the values from the list box
are used to create a delimited string:

( movelistd.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023