
Public Declare Function MessageBox Lib _
"user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (ByVal _
hWnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, _
ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal wType _
As Long) As Long

'Call from within any form like this:

Call MessageBox(Me.hWnd, _
"This is a test in API Message Box", _
"API Message Box", vbInformation)
You've probably noticed that the display time stops when an application pops up
VB's built-in MsgBox. Although the system timer continues to tick, the timer control
isn't updated every second, nor do other events (such as painting) process.
To update the timer, replace VB's built-in MsgBox with the MessageBox API function
MessageBox-generated dialogs don't stop the timer from updating, and they allow
other normal processing, such as form painting:
General Declarations in BAS module

To use this technique in VB3, declare all parameters in the API call as integer. While
calling, pass MB_ICONINFORMATION as the last parameter, instead of vbInformation.
You can find the constant value for MB_ICONINFORMATION in the CONSTANT.txt file.
Note that many of the intrinsic VB constants used with MsgBox also work with the
MessageBox API. Now for the best news about this workaround it's totally unnecessary
under VB5! Timer (and other) events are never blocked by a MsgBox call when run from
an EXE. It's important to understand that they'll still be blocked in the IDE, but take a look
next time you compile and you'll see your clock just keeps on ticking.

( msgboxadv.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023