
Private Sub MoveBetweenGrids(ByVal flxFrom As MSFlexGrid, _
ByVal flxTo As MSFlexGrid)

Dim from_row As Integer
Dim to_row As Integer
Dim c As Integer

from_row = flxFrom.Row
to_row = flxTo.Rows
flxTo.Rows = to_row + 1

' Loop through the columns copying values.

' In this case there is only one column

' but it's done in a loop for more general

' programs.

For c = 0 To 0
flxTo.TextMatrix(to_row, c) = flxFrom.TextMatrix(from_row, c)
Next c

' Delete the original row.

flxFrom.RemoveItem from_row

' Deselect the rows in the grids.

flxFrom.Row = 0
flxTo.Row = 0
cmdMoveRight.Enabled = False
End Sub

( newcolgrid.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023