
Public Function ParseString(ByVal vsString As _
String, ByVal vsDelimiter As String, ByVal _
viNumber As Integer)

Dim iFoundat As Integer
Dim iFoundatold As Integer
Dim iCurrentSection As Integer
Dim sText As String

If Len(vsString) > 0 And InStr(vsString, _
vsDelimiter) > 0 And viNumber > 0 Then
iFoundat = 1
iFoundatold = 1
Do While InStr(iFoundatold + 1, vsString, _
vsDelimiter) > 0
iFoundatold = iFoundat
iFoundat = InStr(iFoundat + 1, vsString, _
iCurrentSection = iCurrentSection + 1
If viNumber > iCurrentSection Then
Exit Function
End If
iFoundat = 1
iCurrentSection = 0
iFoundatold = iFoundat
iFoundat = InStr(iFoundat + 1, vsString, _
If Trim(sText) = "" Then
sText = Mid(vsString, 1, iFoundat - 1)
iCurrentSection = iCurrentSection + 1
If iFoundat > 0 Then
sText = Mid(vsString, iFoundatold + 1, _
(iFoundat - 1) - iFoundatold)
sText = Mid(vsString, iFoundatold + 1)
End If
iCurrentSection = iCurrentSection + 1
End If
If iCurrentSection = viNumber Then
ParseString = sText
Exit Do
End If
End If
ParseString = sText
End Function

When reading data from a text file, you may find that it is in
a format that needs seperating which could be Comma Seperated
file which could use ',' as it's delimiter.
To be able to seperate the different records you can create a
function to parse the files that you read into your program.
I have released a OCX Control on my web site which does this
for you without any code.
Here Goes

1. Start a new Standard-EXE project, form1 is created by default

2. Add a module to your project. Project, Add Module.
The code window is displayed by default.
Add the following code :

3.Open up form1's and add a command button. Open up the click
even for the command button and type the following:
Msgbox ParseString("Visit - -
for everything on Visual Basic", "-", 2)

4. Run the project (F5) and click on the command button and
'' will be displayed in a message


( parsdelimfile.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023