
Option Explicit
'All the required preamble

Private prvstrText As String
Private prvIndexCount As Integer
Private m_Result As String
Private m_Final As String
Private m_Words As Integer
Private m_Index As Integer
Private mTextFont As New StdFont
Private mTextColor As OLE_COLOR
Private mTextBack As OLE_COLOR
Private mQualify As Integer
Private mQualString As String
Private mText As String
Private m_Operator As Integer
Private Type Sentence
Word() As String
Operator() As String
End Type
Private Type Punct
Mark(30) As String
End Type

Dim Parsed As Sentence
Dim Symbol As Punct
Public Event KeyUp()
'Check for the only coded event

Private Sub Text1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
If Text1 <> "" Then
RaiseEvent KeyUp
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
'Get the Parser ready and fill the symbol array

'(you might want to try a dynamic array, or just

'change the dimensions to your needs)

Dim i As Integer
ReDim Parsed.Operator(256, 8)
ReDim Parsed.Word(256)
Symbol.Mark(0) = " "
Symbol.Mark(1) = "."
Symbol.Mark(2) = "?"
Symbol.Mark(3) = "!"
Symbol.Mark(4) = ":"
Symbol.Mark(5) = ";"
Symbol.Mark(6) = ","
Symbol.Mark(7) = "("
Symbol.Mark(8) = ")"
Symbol.Mark(9) = "{"
Symbol.Mark(10) = "}"
Symbol.Mark(11) = "["
Symbol.Mark(12) = "]"
Symbol.Mark(13) = "|"
Symbol.Mark(14) = "\"
Symbol.Mark(15) = "/"
Symbol.Mark(16) = "@"
Symbol.Mark(17) = "#"
Symbol.Mark(18) = "$"
Symbol.Mark(19) = "%"
Symbol.Mark(20) = "^"
Symbol.Mark(21) = "&"
Symbol.Mark(22) = "_"
Symbol.Mark(23) = "`"
Symbol.Mark(24) = "~"
Symbol.Mark(25) = "+"
Symbol.Mark(26) = "-"
Symbol.Mark(27) = ">"
Symbol.Mark(28) = "<"
Symbol.Mark(29) = "="
Symbol.Mark(30) = "*"
prvIndexCount = 0
prvstrText = ""
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
'Just setting a few properties

mTextColor = &H0&
mTextBack = &HFFFFFF
Text1.Text = Extender.Name
Text1.Font = Ambient.Font
Text1.ForeColor = mTextColor
Text1.BackColor = mTextBack
mTextFont = "MS Sans Serif"
mText = "This is a Sample Sentence"
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
'Make the textbox fit the control

Text1.Text = Text
Text1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
Text1.Font = Font
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As _
On Error Resume Next
Set mTextFont = PropBag.ReadProperty("Font", "MS Sans Serif")
Set Text1.Font = mTextFont
mText = PropBag.ReadProperty("Text", _
"This is a sample sentance.")
mTextColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("ForeColor", &H80C0FF)
Text1.ForeColor = mTextColor
mTextBack = PropBag.ReadProperty("BackColor", &HFFFFFF)
Text1.BackColor = mTextBack
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag _
As PropertyBag)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Text", mText, _
"This is a sample sentance.")
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("Font", Font, "MS Sans Serif")
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("ForeColor", ForeColor, &H80C0FF)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("BackColor", BackColor, &HFFFFFF)
End Sub

Private Sub Parse(lclText As String)
'This is the main routine

'Start by declaring and initialising a few needed varables

Dim lclIndexI As Integer
Dim lclLastIndexI As Integer
Dim lclstrLastStr As Integer
Dim lclintStart As Integer
Dim lclintDiff As Integer
Dim intK As Integer
Dim lclintSkip As Integer
Dim lclintPunct As Integer
Dim lclJump As Integer
Dim lclJ As Integer
Dim lclStop As Boolean
Dim lclK As Integer
Dim lclM As Integer
Dim lclP As Integer
Dim lclN As Integer
Dim Tag1 As Integer
Dim Hit1 As Boolean
Dim OldP As Integer

lclStop = False
intK = 0
lclstrLastStr = 0
m_Result = ""
lclIndexI = 1
lclLastIndexI = 1
lclintStart = 1
lclText = Trim(lclText)
'discern Stement type and remove marker

If Right(lclText, 1) = Symbol.Mark(1) Then
mQualify = 1
mQualString = "Declairative"
ElseIf Right(lclText, 1) = Symbol.Mark(2) Then
mQualify = 1
mQualString = "Interogative"
ElseIf Right(lclText, 1) = Symbol.Mark(3) Then
mQualify = 1
mQualString = "Exclamative"
mQualify = 0
mQualString = "Un-qualified"
End If
If mQualify <> 0 Then
lclText = Trim(Left(lclText, Len(lclText) - 1))
End If
For lclIndexI = 1 To Len(lclText)
'Look for symbols inside string

For lclJ = 0 To 30
If Mid(lclText, lclIndexI, 1) = Symbol.Mark(lclJ) Then
lclM = lclJ
lclStop = True
End If
'Symbol found...

If lclStop = True Then
lclStop = False
'if Symbol is not a space character...

If lclM <> 0 Then
'Mark its location by word number and order

If Tag1 = intK Then
lclN = intK
lclP = 0
ElseIf Hit1 = True Then
Hit1 = False
lclN = intK - 1
lclP = 1
lclN = intK - 1
End If
Parsed.Operator(lclN, lclP) = Symbol.Mark(lclM)
lclP = lclP + 1
OldP = lclP
If lclP > 8 Then lclP = 8
m_Operator = lclN 'intK
lclM = 0
End If
lclintSkip = lclintSkip + 1
If lclintSkip > 1 Then
lclintStart = lclintStart + 1
End If
Tag1 = intK
lclintSkip = 0
End If
'Clip out a word and increment word count, reset op order

If lclintSkip = 1 Then
Hit1 = True
'lclP = 0

lclintDiff = lclIndexI - lclintStart
Parsed.Word(intK) = Mid(lclText, lclintStart, lclintDiff)
intK = intK + 1
m_Words = intK
m_Result = m_Result + Mid(lclText, lclintStart, _
lclintDiff) + Chr(13)
lclintStart = lclIndexI + 1
End If
'Check remaining string for straggling word

If lclIndexI > lclintStart Then
lclintDiff = lclIndexI - lclintStart
Parsed.Word(intK) = Mid(lclText, lclintStart, lclintDiff)
m_Result = m_Result + Mid(lclText, lclintStart, _
lclintDiff) + Chr(13)
m_Words = intK
End If
For lclIndexI = 0 To lclN
For lclJ = 0 To 7
If Parsed.Operator(lclIndexI, lclJ) = "" Then
If Parsed.Operator(lclIndexI, lclJ + 1) <> "" Then
Parsed.Operator(lclIndexI, lclJ) = _
Parsed.Operator(lclIndexI, lclJ + 1)
Parsed.Operator(lclIndexI, lclJ + 1) = ""
End If
End If
End Sub

Public Property Get WordLim() As Variant
WordLim = m_Words
End Property

Public Property Get Word(intIndex As Integer) As Variant
Word = Parsed.Word(intIndex)
End Property

Public Property Get OperatorLim() As Variant
OperatorLim = m_Operator
End Property

Public Property Get Operator(intIndex1 As Integer, _
intIndex2 As Integer) As String
Operator = Parsed.Operator(intIndex1, intIndex2)
End Property

Public Sub ParseIt()
Dim lclstrDummy As String
If Text1.Text <> "" Then
prvstrText = Text1.Text
Text1.SelStart = 0
Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1.Text)
Text1.SelText = Text1.Text
End If
lclstrDummy = Text1.Text
Parse (lclstrDummy)
End Sub

Public Property Get Text() As String
Text = mText
'Text = Text1.Text

End Property

Public Property Let Text(ByVal vNewValue As String)
mText = vNewValue
Text1.Text = mText
PropertyChanged "Text"
End Property

Public Property Get Font() As StdFont
Set Font = mTextFont
End Property

Public Property Set Font(ByVal NewFont As StdFont)
Set mTextFont = NewFont
Set Text1.Font = mTextFont
PropertyChanged "Font"
End Property

Public Property Get ForeColor() As OLE_COLOR
ForeColor = mTextColor
End Property

Public Property Set ForeColor(ByVal NewColor As OLE_COLOR)
mTextColor = NewColor
Text1.ForeColor = mTextColor
PropertyChanged "ForeColor"
End Property

Public Property Get BackColor() As OLE_COLOR
BackColor = mTextBack
End Property

Public Property Set BackColor(ByVal NewColor As OLE_COLOR)
mTextBack = NewColor
Text1.BackColor = mTextBack
PropertyChanged "BackColor"
End Property

Public Property Get Qualify() As Integer
Qualify = mQualify
End Property

Public Property Let Qualify(lclintQ As Integer)
End Property

Public Property Get QualString() As String
QualString = mQualString
End Property

Public Property Let QualString(lclstrQ As String)
End Property

Public Sub Clean()
ReDim Parsed.Operator(256, 8)
ReDim Parsed.Word(256)
End Sub

'Property pages supported: Font, Color

'Add these through the controls propertypage propery


'Below is an additional property page for the control

'to set the initial text

'Paste this code into the PropertyPage Form after adding

'the form from the Project menu


'Dont forget to associate the properties from tne tools menu

'i.e. Tools > Procedure Attributes

' Name: BackColor, click the <Advanced> button

' Procedure ID: BackColor


'Requires a text box called txtText

'and a commandbutton called ...Command1?


Private Sub Command1_Click()
txtText = "This is a Sample Sentence"
End Sub

Private Sub txtText_Change()
Changed = True
End Sub

Private Sub PropertyPage_ApplyChanges()
SelectedControls(0).Text = txtText.Text
End Sub

Private Sub PropertyPage_SelectionChanged()
txtText.Text = SelectedControls(0).Text
End Sub

For your processing needs.
Note On use:
Use the ParseIt method to parse the string.
Use the Clean method to Get rid of old data.

By: Robert Spoons

Inputs:'txtTxt as String

' Access to String atoms through Word() property

' Access to Symbol atoms through Operator() property

' Assumes:'Requires an ActiveX project

' Requires a TextBox control

' PropertyPage: Requires adding a property page

' Also Requires a TextBox control

' Title: Parser

' Author: Robert Spoons

' Development System: P166, Win95B

' Development Software VB5 PRO


' Requires an ActiveXControl Project

' Put a textbox on the form and leave the name as Text1

' Requires Control Name to be Parser (for convienence)

' Requires ocx to names SpoonsParser (please)


' This is a small control that I made and have found useful.

' Throw it on a form and either enter text directly, or redirect

' the text to the control from another source.

' I hope you get some use from the code.


' Use Notes:

' explicitly dimension any varables used to access the

' parser as Integer

' Symbols, by default, are associated with the previous word


' example: Parser1.Text="How mush is that &$#@ dog?"

' Parser1.WordLim returns 4

' Parser1.OperatorLim returns 4

' Parser1.Word(0) returns "How"

' Parser1.Word(3) returns "that"

' Parser1.Operator(3,3)returns "#"


' Have fun.


( parseocx.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023