
Function Get_After_Seperator (ByVal strString As String, _
ByVal intNthOccurance As Integer, _
ByVal strSeperator As String) As String
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim intStartOfString As Integer
Dim intEndOfString As Integer
Dim boolNotFound As Integer
'check for intNthOccurance = 0--i.e. first one

If (intNthOccurance = 0) Then
If (InStr(strString, strSeperator)>0) Then
Get_After_Seperator = Left(strString, _
InStr(strString, strSeperator) - 1)
Get_After_Seperator = strString
End If
'not the first one

'init start of string on first comma

intStartOfString = InStr(strString, strSeperator)
'place start of string after intNthOccurance-th

'comma (-1 since already did one

boolNotFound = 0
For intIndex = 1 To intNthOccurance - 1
'get next comma

intStartOfString = InStr(intStartOfString + 1, _
strString, strSeperator)
'check for not found

If (intStartOfString = 0) Then
boolNotFound = 1
End If
Next intIndex
'put start of string past 1st comma

intStartOfString = intStartOfString + 1
'check for ending in a comma

If (intStartOfString > Len(strString)) Then
boolNotFound = 1
End If
If (boolNotFound = 1) Then
Get_After_Seperator = "NOT FOUND"
intEndOfString = InStr(intStartOfString, _
strString, strSeperator)
'check for no second comma (i.e. end of string)

If (intEndOfString = 0) Then
intEndOfString = Len(strString) + 1
intEndOfString = intEndOfString - 1
End If
Get_After_Seperator = Mid$(strString, _
intStartOfString, intEndOfString - _
intStartOfString + 1)
End If
End If
End Function

Inputs:intNthOccurance--seperator after
which the routine will search
intNthOccurance=2 will find the String after the 2nd

returns string or NOT FOUND if item doesn't exist

Assumes:assumes strSeperator = 1 character only

( parsesep.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023