
Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" _
(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, _
ByVal y As Long) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Top = 0
Me.Left = 0
Picture1.ScaleMode = 3
Picture1.Top = 0
Picture1.Left = 0
Picture1.AutoSize = True
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\windows\desktop\" & _
InputBox("Picture da convertire c:\windows\desktop\", _
Me.Width = Picture1.Width + 120
Me.Height = Picture1.Height + 405

Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim tempcolor As Long

Open "c:\windows\desktop\picture.txt" For Output As #1
For y = 1 To Picture1.ScaleHeight Step 2
For x = 1 To Picture1.ScaleWidth - 1
tempcolor = GetPixel(Picture1.hdc, x, y)
Print #1, Mid("#iex+..", Int((Int(tempcolor / 65536) + _
Int((tempcolor - Int(tempcolor / 65536) * 65536) / 256) + _
tempcolor - Int(tempcolor / 256) * 256) / 3 / 42.5) + 1, 1);
Next x
Picture1.PSet (2, y), vbRed
Print #1, ""
Next y
Close #1
MsgBox "Cicture convertita su: C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\PICTURE.TXT", _
End Sub

( picturetoascii.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023