PlayAVI (2)

Declare Function auxGetNumDevs% Lib "MMSYSTEM" ()
'In the appropriate routine:

Dim i As Integer
i = auxGetNumDevs()

If i > 0 Then ' There is at least one sound card on the system
MsgBox "A Sound Card has been detected."
Else ' auxGetNumDevs returns a 0 if there is no sound card
MsgBox "There is no Sound Card on this system."
End If
Note: This has only been tested with VB 3 and VB 4-16, if you
convert this for use with other versions please let me know.
Burt Abreu Here's how to detect if a sound card exists
Declare this API

( playavi2.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023