Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Form2. MMControl1.Visible = False
'Set properties needed by MCI to open.

Form2.MMControl1.Notify = False
Form2.MMControl1.Wait = True
Form2.MMControl1.Shareable = False
Form2.MMControl1.DeviceType = "AVIVideo"
'place Path and Video filename information into following property

Form2.MMControl1.filename = App.Path + "\Test.avi"
'displays video withing Form2

Form2.MMControl1.hWndDisplay = Form2.hWnd
'Open the MCI AVIVideo device.

Form2.MMControl1.Command = "Open"
'VideoPos is global variable that contains save position

Form2.MMControl1.From = VideoPos
Form2.MMControl1.Command = "Play"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Form2.MMControl1.Command = "Close"
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Form2.MMControl1.Command = "Stop"
VideoPos = Form2.MMControl1.Position
Unload Form2
End Sub
Description:You can play an AVI using the MCIMultimedia
control that ships with VB Professional
Here is an example of what you need To do.
(Darren K. Smith,

Create Form2 With MMControl1 MCIMultimedia control and
Command1 button on

Create Module With with following code in General Declaration
Global VideoPos As Long Inorder To save the position from
application usage to the Next time the user run the app you
should save and load the VideoPos variable To a database.

( playavimci.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023