
'save file and rename them to [name].BAS

Attribute VB_Name = "CD_Serial_Number"
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel32" Alias _
"GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString _
As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel32" _
Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal AppName As String, ByVal KeyName _
As String, ByVal keydefault As String, ByVal Filename As String) As Long
Global CDMin As Integer
Global CDSec As Integer
Global TMin As Integer
Global TSec As Integer
Global RMin As Integer
Global RSec As Integer
Global TimeTrack As String
Global TimeElapsed As String
Global TimeRemaining As String
Global Artist1 As String
Global Title1 As String
Global Artist2 As String
Global Title2 As String
Sub CDAudioProperties()
Dim T As Double
On Error Resume Next
T = Shell("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,3", 5)
End Sub

Function GetRawRemainingTime(MMCOntrol1 As Object) As String
Dim Z As String, Min As String, Sec As String, _
Temp As String
Z = GetRunningTime(MMCOntrol1)
Z = GetTrackTime(MMCOntrol1)
Min = LTrim$(Str$(CDMin - TMin))
Sec = LTrim$(Str$(CDSec - TSec))
RMin = Val(Min)
RSec = Val(Sec)
If RSec < 0 Then
RSec = 60 + Val(Sec)
RMin = RMin - 1
End If
Min = LTrim$(Str$(RMin))
Temp = Trim$(Str$(RSec))
If Len(Temp) = 1 Then
Sec = "0" + Temp
Sec = Temp
End If
GetRawRemainingTime = Min + Sec
End Function

Function GetRemainingTime(MMCOntrol1 As Object) As String
Dim Z As String, Min As String, Sec As String, _
Temp As String
Z = GetRunningTime(MMCOntrol1)
Z = GetTrackTime(MMCOntrol1)
Min = LTrim$(Str$(CDMin - TMin))
Sec = LTrim$(Str$(CDSec - TSec))
RMin = Val(Min)
RSec = Val(Sec)
If RSec < 0 Then
RSec = 60 + Val(Sec)
RMin = RMin - 1
End If
Min = LTrim$(Str$(RMin))
Temp = Trim$(Str$(RSec))
If Len(Temp) = 1 Then
Sec = "0" + Temp
Sec = Temp
End If
GetRemainingTime = Min + ":" + Sec
End Function

Sub GetTime(MMCOntrol1 As Object)
Dim Z$
Z$ = GetRemainingTime(MMCOntrol1)
End Sub

Function GetTrackTime(MMCOntrol1 As Object) As String
Dim Length&, Entry2$, Min$, Sec$, D$, Entry$
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 2
Length& = MMCOntrol1.TrackLength
Min$ = Str$(Length& And &HFF)
Sec$ = LTrim$(Str$((Length& And 65280) / 256))
Entry2$ = Min$ & ":" & Sec$
If Len(Sec$) = 1 Then Entry2$ = Min$ + ":0" + Sec$
Entry$ = Min$ + ":" + Sec$
If Len(Entry2$) = 4 Then
D$ = "0" + Entry2$
D$ = Entry2$
End If
If Len(Entry2$) = 3 Then
D$ = "00" + Entry2$
D$ = Entry2$
End If
D$ = Entry2$
GetTrackTime = Trim$(D$)
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 10
CDMin = Val(Min$)
CDSec = Val(Sec$)
End Function

Function GetRunningTime(MMCOntrol1 As Object) As String
Dim E As Long, M As String, S As String, Length&, Min$, Sec$, D As Long, Entry2$
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 2
Length& = MMCOntrol1.Position - MMCOntrol1.TrackPosition
Min$ = Str$(Length& And &HFF)
Sec$ = LTrim$(Str$((Length& And 65280) / 256))
If Len(Sec$) = 3 Then
D = Val(Min$) - 1
Min$ = LTrim$(Str$(D))
E = Val(Right$(Sec$, 2)) + 4

Sec$ = LTrim$(Str$(E))
End If
M = Min$
'If Len(Min$) = 1 Then M = "0" + Min$ Else M = Min$

'If Val(M) = 0 Then M = "00"

'If Val(M) = 1 Then M = "01"

'If Val(M) = 2 Then M = "02"

'If Val(M) = 3 Then M = "03"

'If Val(M) = 4 Then M = "04"

'If Val(M) = 5 Then M = "05"

'If Val(M) = 6 Then M = "06"

'If Val(M) = 7 Then M = "07"

'If Val(M) = 8 Then M = "08"

'If Val(M) = 9 Then M = "09"

If Len(Sec$) = 1 Then
S = "0" + Sec$
If Len(Sec$) = 3 Then
S = Mid$(Sec$, 2)
S = Sec$
End If
End If
TMin = Val(M)
TSec = Val(S)
Entry2$ = LTrim$(M) + ":" + LTrim$(S)
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 10
GetRunningTime = Entry2$
End Function

Function GetRawRunningTime(MMCOntrol1 As Object) As String
Dim E As Long, M As String, S As String, Length&, Min$, Sec$, D As Long, Entry2$
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 2
Length& = MMCOntrol1.Position - MMCOntrol1.TrackPosition
Min$ = Str$(Length& And &HFF)
Sec$ = LTrim$(Str$((Length& And 65280) / 256))
If Len(Sec$) = 3 Then
D = Val(Min$) - 1
Min$ = LTrim$(Str$(D))
E = Val(Right$(Sec$, 2)) + 4

Sec$ = LTrim$(Str$(E))
End If
M = Min$
'If Len(Min$) = 1 Then M = "0" + Min$ Else M = Min$

'If Val(M) = 0 Then M = "0"

'If Val(M) = 1 Then M = "1"

'If Val(M) = 2 Then M = "2"

'If Val(M) = 3 Then M = "3"

'If Val(M) = 4 Then M = "4"

'If Val(M) = 5 Then M = "5"

'If Val(M) = 6 Then M = "6"

'If Val(M) = 7 Then M = "7"

'If Val(M) = 8 Then M = "8"

'If Val(M) = 9 Then M = "9"

If Len(Sec$) = 1 Then
S = "0" + Sec$
If Len(Sec$) = 3 Then
S = Mid$(Sec$, 2)
S = Sec$
End If
End If
Entry2$ = M + S
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 10
GetRawRunningTime = Entry2$
End Function

Function GetRawTrackTime(MMCOntrol1 As Object) As String
Dim Length&, Entry2$, Min$, Sec$, D$
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 2
Length& = MMCOntrol1.TrackLength
Min$ = Str$(Length& And &HFF)
Sec$ = LTrim$(Str$((Length& And 65280) / 256))
Entry2$ = Min$ + Sec$
If Len(Sec$) = 1 Then Entry2$ = Min$ + "0" + Sec$
GetRawTrackTime = Entry2$
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = 10
End Function

Public Function myReadINI(inifile, inisection, inikey, iniDefault)
'Fail fracefully if no file / wrong file is specified.

'If no section (appname), default is first appname

'if no key, default is first key

Dim lpApplicationName As String
Dim lpKeyName As String
Dim lpDefault As String
Dim lpReturnedString As String
Dim nSize As Long
Dim lpFileName As String
Dim retval As Long
Dim Filename As String
lpDefault = Space$(254)
lpDefault = iniDefault
lpReturnedString = Space$(254)
nSize = 254
lpFileName = inifile
lpApplicationName = inisection
lpKeyName = inikey
Filename = lpFileName
retval = GetPrivateProfileString _
(lpApplicationName, lpKeyName, lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName)
myReadINI = lpReturnedString
End Function

Public Function myWriteINI(inifile As String, inisection As String, inikey As _
String, Info As String) As String
Dim retval As Long
retval = WritePrivateProfileString(inisection, inikey, Info, inifile)
myWriteINI = LTrim$(Str$(retval))
End Function

Public Function GenCDSerial(MMCOntrol1 As Object) As Long
'MCI_Format :0,2,10 are the only supported formats for CD

Dim Compat As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim dwtotal&, dwtemp&
Dim byte0%, byte1%, byte2%, byte3%
'compat = 0 for EXISTING code

'Compat = 1 for use with CDPLAYER.EXE

Compat = 1
MMCOntrol1.Notify = False
MMCOntrol1.Wait = True
MMCOntrol1.Shareable = True
If MMCOntrol1.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox MMCOntrol1.ErrorMessage
Exit Function
End If
MMCOntrol1.TimeFormat = MCI_FORMAT_MSF
dwtotal& = 0
For i = 1 To MMCOntrol1.Tracks
MMCOntrol1.Track = i
dwtemp& = MMCOntrol1.TrackPosition
byte0% = dwtemp& And &HFF&
byte1% = (dwtemp& And &HFF00&) \ &H100
byte2% = (dwtemp& And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
byte3% = (dwtemp& And &H7F000000) \ &H1000000
If (dwtemp& And &H80000000) <> 0 Then
' put sign bit back into byte4

byte3 = byte3 + &H80
End If
dwtemp& = byte0% * &H10000 + byte1% * &H100 + byte2%
dwtotal& = dwtotal& + dwtemp&
Next i
If MMCOntrol1.Tracks < 3 Then
dwtotal& = dwtotal& + msf2frames(MMCOntrol1.Length) + Compat
End If
GenCDSerial = dwtotal&
End Function

Function msf2frames(msf As Long) As Long
Rem From the KnowledgeBase
Rem byte1 = MMControl1.Position And &HFF&
Rem byte2 = (MMControl1.Position And &HFF00&) \ &H100
Rem byte3 = (MMControl1.Position And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
Rem byte4 = (MMControl1.Position And &H7F000000) \ &H1000000
Rem If (MMControl1.Position And &H80000000) <> 0 Then
Rem ' put sign bit back into byte4
Rem byte4 = byte4 + &H80
Rem End If
Dim byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3 As Integer
Dim Min, Sec, fra As Integer
byte0 = msf And &HFF&
byte1 = (msf And &HFF00&) \ &H100
byte2 = (msf And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
byte3 = (msf And &H7F000000) \ &H1000000
If (msf And &H80000000) <> 0 Then
' put sign bit back into byte4

byte3 = byte3 + &H80
End If
Min = byte0
Sec = byte1
fra = byte2
msf2frames = (Min * 60 + Sec) * 75 + fra

End Function

Function Z_Trim(String1 As String) As String
Dim A As Integer
For A = 1 To Len(String1)
If Mid$(String1, A, 1) = Chr$(0) Then Exit For
Next A
Z_Trim = RTrim$(Left$(String1, A - 1))
End Function

( playercd.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023