
'This is where you instantiate the object and make the

'database connection

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("SPRecSet.clsGetRecSet")

'Check for errors with the object

If Trim(Conn.GetError) <> "" Then Response.Redirect("ErrorPage.asp?Error=" & Conn.GetError)

'Create the recordset object

Set RecSet = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'Populate the recordset object *** taking special note of the stored proc name, then a comma, then whatever parameters

Set RecSet = Conn.Execute("sp_get_subset_of_data," & intVariable)

'**** Notes **************************************************

'This is all you have to do to make this dll work for you in an asp page:

' 1) Instantiate the object (dll)

' 2) Create the recordset object

' 3) Populate the recordset object from a stored procedure

' 4) Use the recordset object to fill a listbox or other purpose


You can use the GetError method to return errors from the object
within the ASP page. Modify the path to the ini file and the file
itself to reflect the connection string to the database your stored
procedure is on.

( populatetable.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023