
Private Sub Command1_Click()
X = PrintMSHGrid(MSHFlexGrid1)
End Sub

Public Function PrintMSHGrid(ByVal GridToPrint As MSHFlexGrid) As Long
'This function retrieves data from MSHFlexGrid and prints it

'directly to the printer. It uses MyArray to store the distance

'between columns. The max number of columns is 50, but it can be

'increased if there is a need.

'Print information from mshflexgrid

Dim MyRows, MyCols As Integer'for-loop counters
Dim MyText As String'text To be printed
Dim Titles As String'column titles
Dim Header As String'page headers
Dim MyLines As Integer 'number of lines For portrait/landscape
Dim LLCount As Integer 'temporary line counter
Dim MyArray(50) As Integer
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Titles = ""
LLCount = 0
Header = " - Page: "'setup page header
'get column headers

For MyCols = 0 To GridToPrint.Cols - 1
MyArray(MyCols) = Len(GridToPrint.ColHeaderCaption(0, MyCols)) + 15
Titles = Titles & Space(15) & GridToPrint.ColHeaderCaption(0, MyCols)
Next MyCols
'setup printer

Printer.Font.Size = 8'8pts font size
Printer.Font.Bold = True'titles To be bold
Printer.Font.Name = "Courier New"'courier new font
'determine whether to print landscape or portrait

If (Len(MyText) > 120) Then 'landscape
Printer.Orientation = vbPRORLandscape
MyLines = 60
Printer.Orientation = vbPRORPortrait
MyLines = 85
End If

Printer.Print Header; Printer.Page
Printer.Print Titles
Printer.Font.Bold = False
'get column/row values

For MyRows = 1 To GridToPrint.Rows - 1
MyText = ""
GridToPrint.Row = MyRows
For MyCols = 0 To GridToPrint.Cols - 1
GridToPrint.Col = MyCols
MyText = MyText & GridToPrint.Text & _
Space(MyArray(MyCols) - Len(GridToPrint.Text))
Next MyCols
LLCount = LLCount + 1
If LLCount <= MyLines Then
Printer.Print MyText
Printer.Print Header; Printer.Page
Printer.Print Titles
Printer.Print MyText
LLCount = 0
End If
Next MyRows
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
End Function
you must supply MSHFlex Grid
e.g. X = PrintMSHGrid(MSHFlexGrid1)

the function does not return anything

The function is currently limited to 50 columns,
but it can be increased.

( printmsfgriddata.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023