
Dim SQL$
Dim db as DataBase
Dim rs as recordset
Dim dummy1, dummy2
Set db = OpenDatabase([yourdatabasename])
SQL$ = "SELECT * FROM " & [yourtablename]
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL$)
dummy1 = ""
dummy2 = ""
Do While Not rs.EOF
If rs.Fields(0).Value <> dummy1 Then
'print PMC once

Printer.Print rs.Fields(0).Value
dummy1 = rs.Fields(0).Value
End If
If rs.Fields(1).Value <> dummy2 Then
'print PSC once

Printer.Print Tab(10); rs.Fields(1).Value
dummy2 = rs.Fields(1).Value
End If
'print PI, PN, QH

Printer.Print Tab(15); rs.Fields(2).Value; _
Tab(45); rs.Fields(3).Value; _
Tab(75); rs.Fields(4).Value;
'So if the items are NOT in the same table you have to change the SQL$ so that

'the result is always a overview of the contents of all the tables.

Product Main Category
Product Sub Category
Product IdProduct NameQty on Hand

This would change whenever either the Sub Category or the Main Category
changed. So I want to only print the Category names once and then the
Product Names. I would prefer to do this in crystal reports as it is much
faster but I just can't figure it out.
You can do it in VB code (I prefer that; I don't really like Crystal Reports)
It depends on the structure of your database and tables AND the SQL you are using.
It's not very difficult:
Suppose all your items are in one table in one record.
Product Main Category = PMC (field 0)
Product Sub Category = PSC (field 1)
Product Id = PI (field 2)
Product Name = PN (field 3)
Qty on Hand = QH (field 4)
Then your SQL looks like:

( printrepdef.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023