Option Explicit

Private Type ACEBlockHead
HEAD_CRC As Integer
HEAD_SIZE As Integer
End Type

Public Function InspectACEArchiveFast(sFile As String, _
ByRef lMilliSeconds As Long, _
ByRef lNumFiles As Long, _
ByRef dblUnpackedBytes As Double, _
lblArchive As Label) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrExit

Dim F As Long ' file handle
Dim lFileSize As Long ' size of file
Dim tBlockHead As ACEBlockHead ' Block-header
Dim bADDSIZEField As Boolean ' header contains ADDSIZE Field
Dim bMultVolume As Boolean ' indicated multiple volumne
Dim lHeadSize As Long ' size of Block-Header
Dim lADDSIZE As Long ' Value of ADDSIZE-Field
Dim lNextOffset As Long ' Offset of next Block-Header

Dim lVolNum As Long ' Number of current volume
Dim sFilename As String ' name of archive
Dim bReadNextArchive As Boolean ' to control loop

Dim lATTR As Long ' File-Attributes
Dim lUnpackedBytes As Long ' unpacked-bytes of file

' open exe-file


' copy Filename to local-variable cause it's changed

sFilename = sFile

' reset Volume-number

lVolNum = -1&

' loop over all files of multiple archive

' start at file offset 0

lNextOffset = 0&

' get file-handle

F = FreeFile(1)

' open file

Open sFilename For Binary Access Read Shared As #F
' get size of file

lFileSize = LOF(F)

If lFileSize > 0 Then
If Not lblArchive Is Nothing Then
lblArchive.Caption = Mid$(sFilename, modIni.RInstr(sFilename, "\") + 1)
End If
End If

' read all block-headers

Do While lNextOffset < lFileSize
If Not ReadBlockHead(F, tBlockHead, _
bADDSIZEField, _
bMultVolume) Then GoTo ErrExit

' convert header-size from unsigned integer to long

' if the 16-bit value HEAD_SIZE is greater than 32767

' VB interprets this a negative number

' Therefore the negative number is first converted into

' a Long via the CLng function. This results in a long

' negative number. The value is then masked to remove the

' high 16 bits. The result is a positive 16-bit number in

' a long variable

lHeadSize = (CLng(tBlockHead.HEAD_SIZE) And &HFFFF&)
If bADDSIZEField Then
' if ADDSIZE-Field is present read it

Get #F, , lADDSIZE

' and calculate the next header-offset

' HEAD_SIZE contains the total size of the header

' starting with the HEAD_TYPE field.

' Because we've already read the HEAD_TYPE and

' HEAD_FLAGS fields (3 bytes) and we also read

' the ADDSIZE field (4 bytes) we have the subtract

' 7 bytes from the total header size.

lNextOffset = Seek(F) + lHeadSize - 7& + lADDSIZE
' Calculate the next header-offset

' HEAD_SIZE contains the total size of the header

' starting with the HEAD_TYPE field.

' Because we've already read the HEAD_TYPE and

' HEAD_FLAGS fields (3 bytes) we have the subtract

' 3 bytes from the total header size.

lNextOffset = Seek(F) + lHeadSize - 3&
End If

' do different things according to the block-type

Select Case tBlockHead.HEAD_TYPE
Case 0 ' Archive header
' set flag whether we have to read another volume-file

bReadNextArchive = bMultVolume

Case 1 ' file block
' ignore all files which are continued from a

' previous volume

If (tBlockHead.HEAD_FLAGS And &H1000) = 0 Then
' file continued flag not set

' read the file-header to get attributes and unpacked-sized

If Not ReadFileHead(F, tBlockHead, _
lATTR, _
lUnpackedBytes) Then GoTo ErrExit

' ignore directories

If lATTR <> vbDirectory Then
' count number of files and

' count unpacked bytes into a double variable

' A long may be to small to keep the value

dblUnpackedBytes = dblUnpackedBytes + CDbl(lUnpackedBytes)
lNumFiles = lNumFiles + 1
End If
End If

Case 2 ' recovery record
' ignore recovery record

' this is assumed to be at the end of the archive

' stop reading

lNextOffset = lFileSize
End Select

' set next read position to calculated offset

Seek #F, lNextOffset

' close this archive file

Close #F

If bReadNextArchive Then
' if this is a multiple volume build next volume name

' Cut off the extension and replace it with the next volume-number

lVolNum = lVolNum + 1
sFilename = Left$(sFilename, modIni.RInstr(sFilename, ".")) & _
"C" & Format(lVolNum, "00")
End If

' if the filename built above does not exist

' lFileSize will be 0

Loop While bReadNextArchive And lFileSize > 0

InspectACEArchiveFast = True

lMilliSeconds = MeasureTime
Exit Function


On Error Resume Next
Close #F
Exit Function
End Function

Private Function ReadBlockHead(F As Long, _
ByRef tBlockHead As ACEBlockHead, _
ByRef bADDSIZEField As Boolean, _
ByRef bMultVolume As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrExit

Get #F, , tBlockHead

bADDSIZEField = CBool(tBlockHead.HEAD_FLAGS And &H1)
bMultVolume = CBool(tBlockHead.HEAD_FLAGS And &H800)

ReadBlockHead = True
Exit Function

Exit Function
End Function

Private Function ReadFileHead(F As Long, _
ByRef tBlockHead As ACEBlockHead, _
ByRef lATTR As Long, _
ByRef lUnpackedBytes As Long) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrExit

Dim sFNAME As String

Get #F, , lUnpackedBytes

' read the FTIME-Field into the lATTR variable

Get #F, , lATTR

' read the ATTR-Field into the lATTR variable

Get #F, , lATTR

ReadFileHead = True
Exit Function

Exit Function
End Function

' -------------------------------------------------------

' DLL- Version

' -------------------------------------------------------

Public Function InspectACEArchiveDLL(sFile As String, _
ByRef lMilliSeconds As Long, _
ByRef lNumFiles As Long, _
ByRef dblUnpackedBytes As Double, _
lblArchiv As Label) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrExit

Dim hArchive As Long
Dim tHeaderdata As ACEHEADERDATA
Dim lVolNum As Long
Dim sFilename As String
Dim bMultVolume As Boolean


sFilename = sFile
lVolNum = -1&

hArchive = modAce.OpenACEArchive(sFilename, ACEOPEN_LIST, bMultVolume)
If hArchive = 0 Then Exit Do

While ACEReadHeader(hArchive, tHeaderdata) = 0
If Not lblArchiv Is Nothing Then
lblArchiv.Caption = modIni.LiesArchiv(tHeaderdata.Arcname)
End If

ACEProcessFile hArchive, ACECMD_SKIP, vbNull
If (tHeaderdata.flags And &H1000) = 0 Then
' file continued flag not set

If tHeaderdata.FileAttr <> vbDirectory Then
lNumFiles = lNumFiles + 1&
dblUnpackedBytes = dblUnpackedBytes + tHeaderdata.UnpSize
End If
End If

ACECloseArchive hArchive

If bMultVolume Then
lVolNum = lVolNum + 1
sFilename = Left$(sFilename, modIni.RInstr(sFilename, ".")) & _
"C" & Format(lVolNum, "00")
End If
Loop While bMultVolume

InspectACEArchiveDLL = True

lMilliSeconds = MeasureTime

Exit Function


On Error Resume Next
ACECloseArchive hArchive
Exit Function
End Function

EntPacker für Ace, Rar, Zip
Copyright Emil Weiss
für Testzwecke freigestellt (Only IE4 or later)

( readace.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023