
Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal HKey As Long, _
ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegEnumKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "RegEnumKeyA" (ByVal HKey As Long, _
ByVal dwIndex As Long, ByVal lpName As String, _
ByVal cbName As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegEnumValue Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "RegEnumValueA" (ByVal HKey As Long, _
ByVal dwIndex As Long, ByVal lpName As String, _
cbName As Long, ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
lpType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, _
lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal HKey As Long, _
ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal HKey As Long) As Long
'Enum's for the OpenRegistry function

Public Enum HKeys
HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006
End Enum
'Right's for the OpenRegistry

Private Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL = &H1F0000
Private Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1
Private Const KEY_SET_VALUE = &H2
Private Const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = &H4
Private Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10
Private Const KEY_CREATE_LINK = &H20
Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
Private Const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = _
'Local var's to keep track of things happening

Dim RootHKey As HKeys
Dim SubDir As String
Dim HKey As Long
Dim OpenRegOk As Boolean
Source Code:
'This function will return a array of variant with all the

'subkey values


'Dim MyVariant As Variant, MyReg As New CReadEasyReg, _

'i As Integer

'If Not MyReg.OpenRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _

'"Software\Microsoft") Then

'MsgBox "Couldn't open the registry"

'Exit Sub

'End If

'MyVariant = MyReg.GetAllSubDirectories

'For i = LBound(MyVariant) To UBound(MyVariant)

'Debug.Print MyVariant(i)

'Next i


Function GetAllSubDirectories() As Variant
On Error Goto handelgetdirvalues
Dim SubKey_Num As Integer
Dim SubKey_Name As String
Dim Length As Long
Dim ReturnArray() As Variant

If Not OpenRegOk Then Exit Function
'Get the Dir List

SubKey_Num = 0
Length = 256
SubKey_Name = Space$(Length)
If RegEnumKey(HKey, SubKey_Num, SubKey_Name, Length) <> 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
SubKey_Name = Left$(SubKey_Name, InStr(SubKey_Name, Chr$(0)) - 1)
ReDim Preserve ReturnArray(SubKey_Num) As Variant
ReturnArray(SubKey_Num) = SubKey_Name
SubKey_Num = SubKey_Num + 1
GetAllSubDirectories = ReturnArray
Exit Function
GetAllSubDirectories = Null
Exit Function
End Function

'This function will return a array of variant with all the

'value names in a key


'Dim MyVariant As Variant, MyReg As NewCReadEasyReg, _

'i As Integer

'If Not MyReg.OpenRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _

'"HardWare\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0") Then

' MsgBox "Couldn't open the registry"

' Exit Sub

'End If

'MyVariant = MyReg.GetAllValues

'For i = LBound(MyVariant) To UBound(MyVariant)

' Debug.Print MyVariant(i)

'Next i


Function GetAllValues() As Variant
On Error Goto handelgetdirvalues
Dim lpData As String, KeyType As Long
Dim BufferLengh As Long, vname As String, vnamel As Long
Dim ReturnArray() As Variant, Index As Integer
If Not OpenRegOk Then Exit Function
'Get the Values List

Index = 0
lpData = String(250, " ")
BufferLengh = 240
vname = String(250, " ")
vnamel = 240
If RegEnumValue(ByVal HKey, ByVal Index, vname, _
vnamel, 0, KeyType, lpData, BufferLengh) <> 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
vname = Left$(vname, InStr(vname, Chr$(0)) - 1)
ReDim Preserve ReturnArray(Index) As Variant
ReturnArray(Index) = vname
Index = Index + 1
GetAllValues = ReturnArray
Exit Function
GetAllValues = Null
Exit Function
End Function

'This function will return a specific value from the registry


'Dim MyString As String, MyReg As New CReadEasyReg, i As Integer

'If Not MyReg.OpenRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _

'"HardWare\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0") Then

' MsgBox "Couldn't open the registry"

' Exit Sub

'End If

'MyString = MyReg.GetValue("Identifier")

'Debug.Print MyString


Function GetValue(ByVal VarName As String) As String
On Error Goto handelgetavalue
Dim i As Integer
Dim SubKey_Value As String, TempStr As String
Dim Length As Long
Dim value_type As Long
If Not OpenRegOk Then Exit Function
'Read the value

Length = 256
SubKey_Value = Space$(Length)
If RegQueryValueEx(HKey, VarName, 0&, value_type, _
ByVal SubKey_Value, Length) <> 0 Then
GetValue = ""
Exit Function
End If
Select Case value_type
Case 1 'Text
SubKey_Value = Left$(SubKey_Value, Length - 1)
Case 3 'Binary
SubKey_Value = Left$(SubKey_Value, Length - 1)
TempStr = ""
For i = 1 To Len(SubKey_Value)
TempStr = TempStr & Format$(Hex(Asc(Mid$ _
(SubKey_Value, i, 1))), "00") & " "
Next i
SubKey_Value = TempStr
Case Else
SubKey_Value = "value_type=" & value_type
End Select
GetValue = SubKey_Value
Exit Function
GetValue = ""
Exit Function
End Function

'This property returns the current KeyValue

Public Property Get RegistryRootKey() As HKeys
RegistryRootKey = RootHKey
End Property

'This property returns the current 'Registry Directory' your in

Public Property Get SubDirectory() As String
SubDirectory = SubDir
End Property

'This function open's the registry at a specific

'Registry Directory'


'Dim MyVariant As Variant, MyReg As New CReadEasyReg, i As Integer

'If Not MyReg.OpenRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "") Then

' MsgBox "Couldn't open the registry"

' Exit Sub

'End If

'MyVariant = MyReg.GetAllSubDirectories

'For i = LBound(MyVariant) To UBound(MyVariant)

' Debug.Print MyVariant(i)

'Next i


Public Function OpenRegistry(ByVal RtHKey As HKeys, _
ByVal SbDr As String) As Boolean
On Error Goto OpenReg
If RtHKey = 0 Then
OpenRegistry = False
OpenRegOk = False
Exit Function
End If
RootHKey = RtHKey
SubDir = SbDr
If OpenRegOk Then
OpenRegOk = False
End If
If RegOpenKeyEx(RootHKey, SubDir, 0&, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, HKey) <> 0 Then
OpenRegistry = False
Exit Function
End If
OpenRegOk = True
OpenRegistry = True
Exit Function
OpenRegOk = False
OpenRegistry = False
Exit Function
End Function

'This function should be called after you're done with the registry

'es. (see other examples)

Public Function CloseRegistry() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If RegCloseKey(HKey) <> 0 Then
CloseRegistry = False
Exit Function
End If
CloseRegistry = True
OpenRegOk = False
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
RootHKey = &H0
SubDir = ""
HKey = 0
OpenRegOk = False
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
If RegCloseKey(HKey) <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

( readregistry.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023