
Private Function FindTVString(nodeParent As Node, _
sTarget As String, _
Compare As VbCompareMethod) As Integer
Dim nodeChild As Node
Dim wIdx As Integer
' First check the parent node's text

' If found, return it's index and exit.

If InStr(1, nodeParent.Text, sTarget, Compare) Then
FindTVString = nodeParent.Index
Exit Function
End If
' Get the parent node's first child

Set nodeChild = nodeParent.Child
' Now walk through the current parent node's children

Do While Not (nodeChild Is Nothing)
' If the current child node has it's own children...

If nodeChild.Children Then
' Recursively call this proc searching for the target string.

' If found, return the index and exit.

wIdx = FindTVString(nodeChild, sTarget, Compare)
If wIdx Then
FindTVString = wIdx
Exit Function
End If
' Check the current child node's text (it has no children)

' If found, return it's index and exit.

If InStr(1, nodeChild.Text, sTarget, Compare) Then
FindTVString = nodeChild.Index
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Get the current child node's next sibling

Set nodeChild = nodeChild.Next
End Function

( recursivestrsrc.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023