
Case ...
RepairDatabase Curentdatabasename
Case ....
On Error resume next
Kill "temp.MDB"
Name curentdatabasename as "temp.mdb"
on error goto errcompact
compactdatabase "temp.mdb", Currentdatabasename
kill "temp.mbd"
exit sub
msgbox "compaction failed"
name "temp.mdb" as Currentdatabasename
Case ...
You will get a Reserved Error
[-1209] ("There is no message for this error")
when your database is corrupted
Try opening the database using MS Access; if it's corrupted
you should get the option to repair it. You should also compact
it, after repair. I recommend you add the following to your
File menu on your main form:

( repairdb.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023