
Public Sub AutosizeGridColumns(ByRef msFG As MSFlexGrid, ByVal MaxRowsToParse As Integer, ByVal MaxColWidth As Integer)
Dim I, J As Integer
Dim txtString As String
Dim intTempWidth, BiggestWidth As Integer
Dim intRows As Integer
Const intPadding = 150
With msFG
For I = 0 To .Cols - 1
' Loops through every column

.Col = I
' Set the active colunm

intRows = .Rows
' Set the number of rows

If intRows > MaxRowsToParse Then intRows = MaxRowsToParse
' If there are more rows of data, reset

' intRows to the MaxRowsToParse constant

intBiggestWidth = 0
' Reset some values to 0

For J = 0 To intRows - 1
' check up to MaxRowsToParse # of rows and obtain

' the greatest width of the cell contents

.Row = J
txtString = .Text
intTempWidth = TextWidth(txtString) + intPadding
' The intPadding constant compensates for text insets

' You can adjust this value above as desired.

If intTempWidth > intBiggestWidth Then intBiggestWidth = intTempWidth
' Reset intBiggestWidth to the intMaxCol Width value if necessary

Next J
.ColWidth(I) = intBiggestWidth
Next I
' Now check to see if the columns aren't as wide as the grid itself.

' If not, determine the difference and expand each column proportionately

' to fill the grid

intTempWidth = 0
For I = 0 To .Cols - 1
intTempWidth = intTempWidth + .ColWidth(I)
' Add up the width of all the columns

Next I
If intTempWidth < msFG.Width Then
' Compate the width of the columns to the width of the grid control

' and if necessary expand the columns.

intTempWidth = Fix((msFG.Width - intTempWidth) / .Cols)
' Determine the amount od width expansion needed by each column

For I = 0 To .Cols - 1
.ColWidth(I) = .ColWidth(I) + intTempWidth
' add the necessary width to each column


Next I
End If
End With
End Sub

msFG (MSFlexGrid) = The name of the flex grid to resize ....
MaxRowsToParse (integer) = The maximum number of rows (depth) of the table to scan
for cell width (e.g. 50) ....
MaxColWidth (Integer) = The maximum width of any given cell in twips (e.g. 5000)

Simply drop this public sub into your form or module and access it from
anywhere in your program to automatically resize any flex grid.

1) Any flex grid to resize
2) Maximum column width
3) the maximum number of rows in depth to look for the
widest cell of text.

( resizeflxgrid.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023