
Public Sub ResizePicture(startingPic As PictureBox, destinationPic As PictureBox)
'the horz. and vert. ratios

ratioX = startingPic.ScaleWidth / destinationPic.ScaleWidth
ratioY = startingPic.ScaleHeight / destinationPic.ScaleHeight
'for stats

theTimer = Timer
'go through the startingPic's pixels

For x = 0 To startingPic.ScaleWidth Step ratioX
For y = 0 To startingPic.ScaleHeight Step ratioY
'get the color of the startingPic

theColor = startingPic.Point(x, y)
'find the corresponding x and y values for the resized destination pic

realX = ratioX ^ -1 * x
realY = ratioY ^ -1 * y
destinationPic.PSet (realX, realY), theColor
Next y
Next x
MsgBox "It took " & Timer - theTimer & " seconds to increase the horizontal size by " & ratioX ^ -1 & " and the vertical size by " & ratioY ^ -1 & "."
End Sub
Inputs:startingPic As PictureBox, destinationPic As PictureBox
Must have two picture boxes the starting picture box
must have a picture already loaded into it.
'pretty much straight forward just load a picture

'into 'startingPic' and call this sub

( resizepict.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023