Function RGBtoHEX(RGBValue)
Dim B As Integer
a = Hex(RGBValue)
B = Len(a)
If B = 5 Then a = "0" & a
If B = 4 Then a = "00" & a
If B = 3 Then a = "000" & a
If B = 2 Then a = "0000" & a
If B = 1 Then a = "00000" & a
RGBtoHEX = a
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox RGBtoHEX(CommonDialog1.Color)
End Sub
RGB to Hex
Place the code below in to the General Declarations
selection of a new form You will aslo need to add a
command button named command 1 and a commondialog
control named commondialog1 and press F5

( rgbtohex.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023