
Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox Round(12.3265, 2)
End Sub

Function Round(nValue As Double, nDigits As _
Integer) As Double
Round = Int(nValue * (10 ^ nDigits) + _
0.5) / (10 ^ nDigits)
End Function

'Run the project by pressing F5. When the from has loaded click on

'the command button and 12.33 is returned.

How to round a number in Visual Basic to n decimal places
In this example I will show you how to take a decimal number in
Visual Basic and round it to a specified number of decimal places.
Follow the example below.
Start Visual Basic, by selecting it from the start menu.
When VB has loaded, a window appears. Click on Standard-EXE which
will create form1 by default.
On the toolbox to the right of form1 select the command button and
drag it to a resonable size on the form.
Open up form1's code window by double clicking on the command
A new window will appear. Delete everything in that window and
type the following:

( roundnumber.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023