SearchFile (2)

ReDim sArray(0) As String
Call DirWalk("OLE*.DLL", "C:\", sArray)
Sub DirWalk(ByVal sPattern As String, ByVal CurrDir As String, sFound()
As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim sCurrPath As String
Dim sFile As String
Dim ii As Integer
Dim iFiles As Integer
Dim iLen As Integer
If Right$(CurrDir, 1) "\" Then
Dir1.Path = CurrDir & "\"
Dir1.Path = CurrDir
End If
For i = 0 To Dir1.ListCount
If Dir1.List(i) "" Then
Call DirWalk(sPattern, Dir1.List(i), sFound)
If Right$(Dir1.Path, 1) = "\" Then
sCurrPath = Left(Dir1.Path, Len(Dir1.Path) - 1)
sCurrPath = Dir1.Path
End If
File1.Path = sCurrPath
File1.Pattern = sPattern
If File1.ListCount > 0 Then 'matching files found in the
For ii = 0 To File1.ListCount - 1
ReDim Preserve sFound(UBound(sFound) + 1)
sFound(UBound(sFound) - 1) = sCurrPath & "\" &
Next ii
End If
iLen = Len(Dir1.Path)
Do While Mid(Dir1.Path, iLen, 1) "\"
iLen = iLen - 1
Dir1.Path = Mid(Dir1.Path, 1, iLen)
End If
Next i
End Sub

The procedure would accept the wild card in the first argument which is
search pattern for the file name. The second argument is the location
where to start. Third argument is an array of strings.
The procedure will recursively go to the deepest level in the directory
structure and get all the matchig file names with full path in the array
sArray. This array is ReDimed from the function and will have as many
members as matches found.
To use DirWalk you will have to put two extra controls, FileListBox and
DirListBox, on the form. Following procedure is assumed to be on a form
on which there are two controls, FileListBox with name File1 and
DirListBox with name Dir1. Keep them invisible to improve the speed of
search. Putting these additional controls on a form does not cause any
overhead as they are part of basic libray of controls for VB.

( searchfile2.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023