
'Public declarations

Dim FileOpen as Boolean

Public Function Send_File(FileToSend as string)
'This is the function that sends a file

Dim Temp as String
Dim BlockSize as Long
open filetosend For binary access read as #1 'Open the file to send
BlockSize = 2048 'Set the block size, If needed, set it higher
Do While not EOF(1)
temp = Space$(blockSize) 'Give temp some space to store the data
Get 1, , temp 'Get first line from file
Winsock1.SendData temp 'Send the data
winsock1.senddata "xx" 'This is a custom control that ends the transmition
close #1
End Function

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim temp As String
Dim data As String
'Check to see if the file is already open

If fileOpen = False Then
Open "c:\somefile_here" For Binary Access Write As #2
fileOpen = True
ElseIf fileOpen = True Then
End If
Winsock1.GetData data 'Get the data
temp = data
'Check to see if it is the end of the transmition

If temp = "xx" Then
Close #2
fileOpen = False
Put 2, , temp 'Store the data to the file
End If
End Sub

( sendgetfile.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023