

Public Function Base64Encode(originalString$)
deciml = Asc(Left$(originalString$, 1))
For k = 7 To 0 Step -1
If (2 ^ k) <= deciml Then
binaryStr$ = binaryStr$ & "1"
deciml = deciml - (2 ^ k)
binaryStr$ = binaryStr$ & "0"
End If
If Len(originalString$) < 3 Then Goto unfpassone
deciml = Asc(Mid$(originalString$, 2, 1))
For k = 7 To 0 Step -1
If (2 ^ k) <= deciml Then
binaryStr$ = binaryStr$ & "1"
deciml = deciml - (2 ^ k)
binaryStr$ = binaryStr$ & "0"
End If
If Len(originalString$) < 3 Then Goto unfpassone
deciml = Asc(Right$(originalString$, 1))
For k = 7 To 0 Step -1
If (2 ^ k) <= deciml Then
binaryStr$ = binaryStr$ & "1"
deciml = deciml - (2 ^ k)
binaryStr$ = binaryStr$ & "0"
End If
For k = 1 To 19 Step 6
Select Case Val(Mid$(binaryStr$, k, 6))
Case 0
temp$ = temp$ & "A"
Case 1
temp$ = temp$ & "B"
Case 10
temp$ = temp$ & "C"
Case 11
temp$ = temp$ & "D"
Case 100
temp$ = temp$ & "E"
Case 101
temp$ = temp$ & "F"
Case 110
temp$ = temp$ & "G"
Case 111
temp$ = temp$ & "H"
Case 1000
temp$ = temp$ & "I"
Case 1001
temp$ = temp$ & "J"
Case 1010
temp$ = temp$ & "K"
Case 1011
temp$ = temp$ & "L"
Case 1100
temp$ = temp$ & "M"
Case 1101
temp$ = temp$ & "N"
Case 1110
temp$ = temp$ & "O"
Case 1111
temp$ = temp$ & "P"
Case 10000
temp$ = temp$ & "Q"
Case 10001
temp$ = temp$ & "R"
Case 10010
temp$ = temp$ & "S"
Case 10011
temp$ = temp$ & "T"
Case 10100
temp$ = temp$ & "U"
Case 10101
temp$ = temp$ & "V"
Case 10110
temp$ = temp$ & "W"
Case 10111
temp$ = temp$ & "X"
Case 11000
temp$ = temp$ & "Y"
Case 11001
temp$ = temp$ & "Z"
Case 11010
temp$ = temp$ & "a"
Case 11011
temp$ = temp$ & "b"
Case 11100
temp$ = temp$ & "c"
Case 11101
temp$ = temp$ & "d"
Case 11110
temp$ = temp$ & "e"
Case 11111
temp$ = temp$ & "f"
Case 100000
temp$ = temp$ & "g"
Case 100001
temp$ = temp$ & "h"
Case 100010
temp$ = temp$ & "i"
Case 100011
temp$ = temp$ & "j"
Case 100100
temp$ = temp$ & "k"
Case 100101
temp$ = temp$ & "l"
Case 100110
temp$ = temp$ & "m"
Case 100111
temp$ = temp$ & "n"
Case 101000
temp$ = temp$ & "o"
Case 101001
temp$ = temp$ & "p"
Case 101010
temp$ = temp$ & "q"
Case 101011
temp$ = temp$ & "r"
Case 101100
temp$ = temp$ & "s"
Case 101101
temp$ = temp$ & "t"
Case 101110
temp$ = temp$ & "u"
Case 101111
temp$ = temp$ & "v"
Case 110000
temp$ = temp$ & "w"
Case 110001
temp$ = temp$ & "x"
Case 110010
temp$ = temp$ & "y"
Case 110011
temp$ = temp$ & "z"
Case 110100
temp$ = temp$ & "0"
Case 110101
temp$ = temp$ & "1"
Case 110110
temp$ = temp$ & "2"
Case 110111
temp$ = temp$ & "3"
Case 111000
temp$ = temp$ & "4"
Case 111001
temp$ = temp$ & "5"
Case 111010
temp$ = temp$ & "6"
Case 111011
temp$ = temp$ & "7"
Case 111100
temp$ = temp$ & "8"
Case 111101
temp$ = temp$ & "9"
Case 111110
temp$ = temp$ & "+"
Case 111111
temp$ = temp$ & "/"
End Select
Base64Encode = temp$
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Command1.Enabled = False
If Text5.Text <> "" Then
Base64EncodeFile Text5.Text, RichTextBox1, Text1
End If
ConnectToServer "", Winsock1
End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Connect()
mailSend Text2.Text, Text3.Text, Text4.Text, Text6, Winsock1, Text5.Text, Text1
Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub

return = Base64Encode("the")
return would be: dGjl

You can only pass 3 letters as the arguement.
In order to process a whole file for delivery use the
function Base64EncodeFile() also included in this bas file

For a sample project written in vb6, you can download it
If you like this code and all Let me know at
by the way If you use this please credit me or something...i KNOW
how wanted this code is...and i just spent all day reading rfc's and
coding to Get this done...just a small mention would be appreciated...

'Base64EncodeFile(fileToEncode, tempRTBControl, outputTo)

'Base64EncodeFile "c:\temp\", richtextb

copy the api part up above to a module

this is a sample project For this bas file.

- first one (1) a winsock control and name it whatever you want
- add one (1) richtextbox control and set it's visible option to False
- add one (1) textbox With visible set to False and multiline set to True
- add four (4) regular textbox' all set visible True

* note: you can name them whatever, just remember the following
settings For them: one will be the from field, one will be the to
field, one will be the subject field and the last one will be the
attachment field (you Type the full path in to the file, up to you
to create the file open dialog boxes For this...)

- add one (1) textbox set to visible = True and multiline = true
i suggest making the scrollbars be horizontal. this box is
intended For the actual message of the mail

- add one (1) button which is the send button
in the Click Event of your button add the following line:

If Text5.Text <> "" Then
Base64EncodeFile Text5.Text, RichTextBox1, Text1
End If

ConnectToServer "", Winsock1

* note: text5.text in this example was the textbox used to Get the
FULL path to the file to attach, richtextbox1 is self explanatory
and text1.text was the box we set multiline and invisible

* note: this is just an example server and the name of the winsock
control can be whatever you named it

in the Connect Event of your winsock control add this
mailSend text2.text, text3.text, text4.text, Text6, Winsock1, Text5.Text, Text1

* note: here is an explanation of the params
text2.text was the FROM field (who is sending it)
text3.text was the TO field (who it is going to)
text4.text was the SUBJECT field (duh)
text6.text was the big textbox For the BODY
winsock1 is the name of the winsock control
text5.text is the filename of the attachment
text1 is the name of the hidden textbox control
you can leave the last two params off since those
are optional and only needed If you want to attach a file

last suggestion...
when you click the button disable it and Then reenable it after
the mailSend procedure:

( sendmailmime64.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023