
Public Sub SendWithoutSave()
'perform the send

Dim oInsp As Outlook.Inspector
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oCntr As Object
Dim bNoMailItem As Boolean
'make sure the function is invoked from a mail item

If TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow) = "Inspector" Then
'There is an inspector!

Set oInsp = Application.ActiveInspector
'Is it really a mail item?

If TypeName(oInsp.CurrentItem) <> "MailItem" Then
bNoMailItem = True
End If
bNoMailItem = True
End If
If bNoMailItem Then
MsgBox "This Function must be invoked from within a mail item"
Exit Sub
End If
Set oMail = oInsp.CurrentItem
'prevent from save

oMail.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
'Send it

End Sub

Public Sub AddButton()
'Add the command bar button "Send/Delete" to the inspector's toolbar

Dim oInsp As Inspector
Dim bDontClose As Boolean
Dim cbb As CommandBarButton
Dim cbbSend2 As CommandBarButton
Dim cbStandard As CommandBar
'open the appropriate inspector

Set oInsp = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem).GetInspector
On Error Resume Next
'check whether button exists

Set cbStandard = oInsp.CommandBars("Standard")
Set cbb = cbStandard.FindControl(, , "SendWithoutSave")
If Not cbb Is Nothing Then
'already exists -> nothing to do

Exit Sub
End If
'doesn't exist -> put it after the "Send" item (ID=2617)

Set cbb = cbStandard.FindControl(ID:=2617)
Set cbbSend2 = cbStandard.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, before:=cbb.Index + 1)
cbbSend2.TooltipText = "Send this mail without saving it into the Sent Items folder"
cbbSend2.Caption = "Send/Delete"
cbbSend2.Tag = "SendWithoutSave"
'assign the proc to be called

cbbSend2.OnAction = "SendWithoutSave"
'needed to commit our actions ...

oInsp.Close olDiscard
End Sub

( sendolooknofolder.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023