
Sub UpdateGrid(grdInput As MSFlexGrid)
If grdInput.Rows = (grdInput.FixedRows + 1) Then
' only one row in the grid and it

' it a fixed one: don't do anything

Exit Sub
' more than one row in the grid

If grdInput.RowSel <> grdInput.Row Then
' user selected a different row in the grid

' than the current row:

' set it to the highlighted row

grdInput.RowSel = grdInput.Row
End If
End If
End Sub

'In the SelChange event for a grid, put in this code:

Private Sub myGrid_SelChange
UpdateGrid myGrid
End Sub

Setting the SelectionMode property of the MSFlexGrid to f
lexSelectionByRow forces all columns in a row to be selected
rather than a single cell. It also allows selection of
multiple rows simultaneously. To force a single row selection
for a grid, I have a function called UpdateGrid that ensures
only one row is selected, regardless of a drag on the rows or
if the Shift and the Up and Down arrow keys are used.
This is useful if you want to present a list of items in a
grid format and only want one highlighted:

( singleselgrid.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023