
Option Explicit
Public Const Pi = 3.1415926
'Number of angles of polygon

Public Const N_Angles = 5
'Diameter of the sphere

Public Const Sphere_Diam = 6000
Type Dot
X As Double
Y As Double
Z As Double
End Type
'polygon in array

Public Object(1 To N_Angles + 1) As Dot
Public H_Globe, V_Globe
Public X, Y, Z
Public Me_to_Obj
Public Obj_to_Me
Public Polygon_R
Public Turn_Angle As Double
Function CRad(Deg)
'convert deg to rad

CRad = Deg * Pi / 180
End Function

Function CDeg(Rad)
CDeg = Rad * 180 / Pi
End Function

Public Sub GenPolygon()
'generate polygon

Dim Angle
Dim n As Double
Angle = 360 / N_Angles
For n = 1 To UBound(Object())
Object(n).X = Sin(CRad(202.5 + (n - 1) * Angle)) * Polygon_R
Object(n).Y = Cos(CRad(202.5 + (n - 1) * Angle)) * Polygon_R
Object(n).Z = Sphere_Diam / 2
Next n
n = 1 - ((Polygon_R * 2) ^ 2) / (2 * ((Sphere_Diam / 2) ^ 2))
n = n ^ 2
n = Sqr(1 / n - 1)
Turn_Angle = Atn(n)
End Sub

Public Sub Rotate(Obj() As Dot, HAngle, VAngle)
'this function rotates dots in array around the axes

Dim X, Y, Z, c As Double
Dim Ha, Va As Double
Ha = HAngle + CRad(H_Globe)
Va = VAngle + CRad(V_Globe)
For c = 1 To UBound(Obj())
If Ha <> 0 Then
X = Obj(c).X
Y = Obj(c).Y
Z = Obj(c).Z
Obj(c).Z = Z * Cos(Ha) - X * Sin(Ha)
Obj(c).X = X * Cos(Ha) + Z * Sin(Ha)
End If
If Va <> 0 Then
X = Obj(c).X
Y = Obj(c).Y
Z = Obj(c).Z
Obj(c).Y = Y * Cos(Va) - Z * Sin(Va)
Obj(c).Z = Z * Cos(Va) + Y * Sin(Va)
End If
Next c
End Sub

Public Sub DrawArray(Obj() As Dot)
'display array of dots on the screen

'Note: all dots are connected by lines

On Error Resume Next
Dim n, d, dz
Dim R, X1, Y1, X2, Y2
d = Me_to_Obj
dz = d + Obj_to_Me
X2 = (Obj(1).X) * d / (Obj(1).Z + dz) + X
Y2 = (Obj(1).Y) * d / (Obj(1).Z + dz) + Y
For n = 0 To UBound(Obj()) - 1
X1 = X2
Y1 = Y2
X2 = (Obj(n + 1).X) * d / (Obj(n + 1).Z + dz) + X
Y2 = (Obj(n + 1).Y) * d / (Obj(n + 1).Z + dz) + Y
'Swap next 2 lines to get full sphere:

'Form1.Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2)

If Obj(n + 1).Z < 0 Then Form1.Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2)
Next n
End Sub

Public Sub Sphere()
'Displays polygons under different angles to construct a sphere

Dim H, V, A, n
A = Turn_Angle
n = Val(2 * Pi / Turn_Angle)
For H = 1 To n / 2
For V = 1 To n
DrawArray Object
Rotate Object, A, 0
Next V
Rotate Object, 0, A
Next H
End Sub

( sphere3d.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023