
Public Enum PathReturn
FileExtension = 0
PathOnly = 1
DriveLetter = 2
DriveAndPath = 3
FileName = 4
PathAndFileName = 5
End Enum
Public Function PathSplit(thePath As String, _
ReturnVal As PathReturn) As String
Dim sDriveLetter As String
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sFileExtension As String
Dim inCounter As Integer
Dim inFoundPos As Integer
Dim thePathNoFileName As String
If Len(thePath) = 0 Then Exit Function
inCounter = Len(thePath)
inFoundPos = InStrRev(thePath, "\", inCounter)
sFileName = Mid$(thePath, inFoundPos + 1, inCounter - inFoundPos)
inFoundPos = InStrRev(thePath, ".", inCounter)
sFileExtension = Mid$(thePath, inFoundPos + 1, inCounter _
- inFoundPos)
If Mid(thePath, 2, 1) = ":" Then
sDriveLetter = Left(thePath, 2)
thePath = Mid(thePath, 3)
thePathNoFileName = Mid(thePath, 1, Len(thePath) - _
End If
Select Case ReturnVal
Case 0: PathSplit = sFileExtension
Case 1: PathSplit = thePathNoFileName
Case 2: PathSplit = sDriveLetter
Case 3: PathSplit = sDriveLetter & thePathNoFileName
Case 4: PathSplit = sFileName
Case 5: PathSplit = thePath
End Select
End Function

1. String with path Example:"C:\test\test.txt" or control
With the path Example: text1.txt

2. Enum For the various sections of the path
Returns:This function returns a String
Assumes:This is a very useful but extremely basic function.
There should be no problems whatsoever. just copy and paste
into a BAS module and call the Function from a form.

( splitpath.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023