
Function splitString(strToSplit As String, strSplitOn As String) As String()
Dim lp1 As Long, lp2 As Long
Dim iLengthStrToSplit As Long
Dim iLengthStrSplitOn As Long
Dim lCount As Long
Dim strArray() As String

'get the length of each of the strings

iLengthStrToSplit = Len(strToSplit)
iLengthStrSplitOn = Len(strSplitOn)

lp1 = 1: lp2 = 1

'find an occorance of the string

'starting from lp1

lp2 = InStr(lp1, strToSplit, strSplitOn)

If lp2 = 0 Then
lp2 = iLengthStrToSplit + 1
End If

'we only redim every 5000 times the loop

' goes around.

'this makes the code much quicker

If lCount Mod 5000 = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve strArray(lCount + 5000)
End If

'get the bit of the string

strArray(lCount) = Mid$(strToSplit, lp1, lp2 - lp1)

lp1 = lp2 + iLengthStrSplitOn
lCount = lCount + 1
Loop Until lp2 >= iLengthStrToSplit

'redim the array to the exact size

ReDim Preserve strArray(lCount - 1) As String
splitString = strArray

End Function
You need to pass the string to be split,
and what to split the string on.

A zero based array, containgin all of the split strings

( splitquick.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023