SplitString (2)

'You will need to add a combo1 box to the new form

'and place this code into a command button

Dim Counter As Integer
Dim SplitString, TestString As String
Dim Msg
TestString = "Simple,Split,String,Function,In,VisualBasic,"
If Len(TestString) < 1 Then
Exit Sub
If Left(TestString, 1) = "," Then
TestString = Right(TestString, Len(TestString) - 1)
End If
If Right(TestString, 1) = "," Then

TestString = Right(TestString, Len(TestString)) + ","
End If
For Counter = 1 To Len(TestString)
ch = Mid(TestString, Counter, 1)
SplitString = SplitString + ch
If ch = "," Then
Combo1.AddItem Left(SplitString, Len(SplitString) - 1): SplitString = ""
End If
End If

( splitstring2.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023