
Dim mCurReqId
Dim YesConnect As Boolean
'The server name. In this exmp, it is MS Chat server

Const gServerIp = "mschat1.msn.com"
'The Port of Server..This port for Ms chat server

Const gServerPort = 6667
'The Port of Client..MSChat client requests this port

'So it is the listening port

Const gListenPort = 6667
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Overrides server to send data to the client

On Error Resume Next
wsAccept.SendData txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
'Overrides client to send data to the server

On Error Resume Next
wsConnect.SendData txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'wsListen is the listening socket (for client)

'wsAccept is the socket connected to client

'wsConnect is the scoket connected to server

'Set The variable

YesConnect = False
'For telling you your localip

Debug.Print wsListen.LocalIP
Me.Caption = "Internet Detective - [" & wsListen.LocalIP & "]"
End Sub

Private Sub tbMain_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
'Set enabling/disabling stuff urself..u too need some job..lol

Select Case Button.Key
Case "Start"
On Error Resume Next
wsListen.LocalPort = gListenPort
If Err Then
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly
End If
Case "Disc"
On Error Resume Next
ret = MsgBox("Disconnect between server and client?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Disconnect")
If ret = vbNo Then Exit Sub


If Err Then
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly
End If
Case "Save"
'Record Data We Need

Open App.Path & "\chatClient.txt" For Output As #1
For i = 0 To lstChat.ListCount - 1
Write #1, lstChat.List(i)
Next i
Close #1

Open App.Path & "chatServer.txt" For Output As #1
For i = 0 To lstServer.ListCount - 1
Write #1, lstServer.List(i)
Next i
Close #1
Case "About"
mStr = mStr + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Developed by Anoop.M.Nedumkunnam,anoopj13@yahoo.com"
mStr = mStr + vbCrLf + "Visit http://profiles.guru.com/anoopm"
MsgBox mStr, vbInformation, "About.."
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub wsAccept_Close()
End Sub

Private Sub wsAccept_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
wsAccept.GetData todat, vbString
lstChat.AddItem todat
On Error Resume Next
wsConnect.SendData todat
End Sub

Private Sub wsConnect_Close()
YesConnect = True
End Sub

Private Sub wsConnect_Connect()
YesConnect = True
End Sub

Private Sub wsConnect_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
wsConnect.GetData todat, vbString
lstServer.AddItem todat
On Error Resume Next
wsAccept.SendData todat
End Sub

Private Sub wsListen_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)
'Connects to the server

wsConnect.Connect gServerIp, gServerPort
On Error Resume Next
'Just a looping task

dummy = DoEvents()
'We will make YesConnect true in the

'Connect event of wsConnect

If YesConnect = True Then wsAccept.Accept requestID
If YesConnect = True Then GoTo NoLoop
'b'coz i hate while statements..i don't know why. :)

End Sub





'By ANOOP.M, Web Strategist & Developer

'Visit http://profiles.guru.com/anoopm


'Send Personal Mail to anoopj13@yahoo.com

'if you need a (quicker) reply










'For extracting the data transmission between

'two sockets.





'Our purpose is to spy the data transmission

'between two sockets. That is, our spy should

'act between the server and client.


' Server <-----> Spy <-----> Client

' |

' |

' V

' Record Data


'For example, if you are spying the data trans

'mission between Microsoft Chat Server/Client,

'here is the procedure.


'1) After going online, run the App.

'2) If you do not have a permenant IP,

' get ur current IP from the debug window.

'3) If you are using MS Chat 2.5, goto

' View->Options->Servers and setup a

' server with the current IP

' (For earlier versions of MSChat, I think

' you can paste it directly in the initial

' 'Chat Connection' box)

'4) Then click 'connect' to connect the Microsoft

' Chat to your IP(not the IP of MS Chat

' Server)

'5) Just examine the listbox (better replace with

' a text box) to see the 'real' data.

'6) Goto your nearby shop and buy a little

' glucose (for getting energy to understand

' what you see..



' Hope this may help..Download my other apps

' including a little famous Icon Hunter

' from the Planet..regards.



' Once the client establishes a connection

' our prog will automatically contact the

' server..





'Well, This is a simple program. If the name

'is doesn't indicate anything, here is a short



'I usually use Microsoft Chat for chatting.

'(Usually my nick name is Nice-Guy, in case

'u need to find me..) Just for understanding

'the communication between the Microsoft chat

'client and the server, I wrote this app..


'But you can use it as a router,multi

'chat enabler etc, if

'you need to use it that way..


( spychat.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023