
Dim gLine() As String 'Used To store the text lines.
Dim gLineCount As Integer 'Holds the total line count.
Dim gLastActiveLine As Integer 'Holds the last active line number.
Dim LastActivePosition As Long 'Holds the last active character position.
Dim gLines As Integer 'Holds the total number of lines
Dim gLastLine As Integer ' Compatator
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Example use

'Text3 has the same dimensions and location as RichTexBox1

'Text3 MuliLine = True

Text3 = CodeIt(gLine)
Text3.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Initialize the array

ReDim gLine(1)
End Sub

Private Sub RichTextBox1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'Check For Action

CFAct RichTextBox1
End Sub

Private Sub RichTextBox1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
'Check For Action

CFAct RichTextBox1
End Sub

Private Sub CFAct(rBox As RichTextBox)
Dim lstrLastLine As String 'Last active line text
Dim lstrCurrentLine As String 'Active line text
Dim gCurLine As Integer 'Current line number
Static intTotalLines As Integer 'Total lines
On Error Goto RTBError
'Get current line for comparrison

gCurLine = rBox.GetLineFromChar(rBox.SelStart)
'Compare Lines. Did user change lines?

If gCurLine <> gLastActiveLine Then
'Store Last Active Line

lstrLastLine = SLALine(rBox)
'lsrtLastLine is now in the array

'Get text of current line

lstrCurrentLine = gLine(rBox.GetLineFromChar(rBox.SelStart)) ' - 1)
'For simple demonstraition only

'Display last line user was on.

Text1 = lstrLastLine 'simple use.
'For simple demonstraition only

'Display current line is on.

Text2 = lstrCurrentLine 'simple use.
End If
'Update comparison line

gLastLine = gCurLine
LastActivePosition = rBox.SelStart
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Function SLALine(rBox As RichTextBox) As String
Dim i As Integer 'Used To find start of line
Dim j As Integer 'Used To find End of line
Dim lineStart As Integer 'Holds start of line
Dim lineEnd As Integer 'Holds end of line
Dim TestLine As Integer 'Position comparason
Dim StartPosition As Integer 'To position Loop start
Dim theLine As String 'Holds the return string
On Error Goto RTBError
'Start on last active line

StartPosition = LastActivePosition
'Find lines' starting position

For i = StartPosition To 1 Step -1
TestLine = rBox.GetLineFromChar(i)
If TestLine < gLastActiveLine Then
Exit For
End If
If i = 0 Then i = 1 '(i can be 0 due To For...Next)
'Find lines' ending position

For j = StartPosition To Len(rBox)
TestLine = rBox.GetLineFromChar(j)
If TestLine > gLastActiveLine Then
Exit For
End If
'Treat first line as special case

If gLastActiveLine = 0 Then
lineStart = i
lineEnd = j - i - 1
lineStart = i + 2
lineEnd = j - i - 3
End If
theLine = Mid(rBox.Text, lineStart, lineEnd)
If gLastActiveLine > gLines Then
gLines = gLines + 1
ReDim Preserve gLine(gLines + 1)
End If
'Store the text line in the array.

gLine(gLastActiveLine) = theLine
SLALine = theLine 'Return the text line
'Update the last line comaprator

gLastActiveLine = rBox.GetLineFromChar(rBox.SelStart)
Exit Function
End Function

Private Sub CleanArray()
Dim i As Integer
For i = UBound(gLine) To 0 Step -1
If gLine(i) <> "" Then Exit For
ReDim Preserve gLine(i)
gLines = i
End Sub

Private Function CodeIt(HTML() As String) As String
For i = 0 To UBound(HTML)
lstr = Trim(HTML(i))
'The code below is straight maipulation Start HTML (.htm)

If LCase(Left(lstr, 5) = LCase(".htm ")) Then
lstr = "<HTML>" + vbCrLf + "<HEAD>" + vbCrLf + _
"<TITLE>" + Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 5) + _
"</TITLE>" + vbCrLf + "</HEAD>" + vbCrLf + "<BODY>"
'End HTML (.htme)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 6) = LCase(".htme ")) Then
lstr = "</BODY>" + vbCrLf + "</HTML>" + _
"; " + Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 6)
'<H1> HEADER LEVEL 1 (.h1)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 4) = LCase(".H1 ")) Then
lstr = "<H1> " + _
Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 4) + "</H1>"
'<H2> HEADER LEVEL 2 (.h2)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 4) = LCase(".H2 ")) Then
lstr = "<H2> " + _
Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 4) + "</H2>"
'<H3> HEADER LEVEL 3 (.h3)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 4) = LCase(".H3 ")) Then
lstr = "<H3> " + _
Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 4) + "</H3>"
'<H4> HEADER LEVEL 4 (.h4)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 4) = LCase(".H4 ")) Then
lstr = "<H4> " + _
Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 4) + "</H4>"
'<P> Paragraph (.p)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 3)) = LCase(".P ") Then
lstr = "<P> " + Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 3) + _
'<TABLE> TABLE (.tbl)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 5) = LCase(".tbl ")) Then
lstr = "<Table>" + _
"; " + Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 5)
'</TABLE> END TABLE (.tble)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 6) = LCase(".tble ")) Then
lstr = "</TABLE>" + vbCrLf + _
"; " + Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 6)
'<TR> TABLE ROW (.tr)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 4) = LCase(".tr ")) Then
lstr = "<TR>" + _
"; " + Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 4)
'</TR> END TABLE ROW (.tre)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 5) = LCase(".tre ")) Then
lstr = "</TR>" + _
"; " + Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 5)
'<TD> TABLE DATA (.td)

ElseIf LCase(Left(lstr, 4) = LCase(".td ")) Then
lstr = "<TD>" + _
Right(lstr, Len(lstr) - 4) + "</TD>"
lstr = lsrt + " <BR>"
End If

newLine = newLine + lstr + vbCrLf
CodeIt = newLine
End Function

Name: Text to Array
Description:Takes a page of text and stores lines in array
Returns:Array of text lines

RichTextBox named :RichtextBox1 '
TextBox named :Text1 '
Attributes:N/A (Default) '
TextBox named :Text2 '
Attributes:N/A (Default) '
TextBox named :Text3 '
The Relavent Code : CFAct(), and SLSLine() '
Global variables (Required)

( storetext.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023