
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim the_date As Date
Dim system_time As SYSTEMTIME
Dim local_file_time As FILETIME
Dim utc_file_time As FILETIME

' Get the local time.

the_date = CDate(txtLocalTime.Text)

' Convert it into a SYSTEMTIME.

DateToSystemTime the_date, system_time

' Convert it to a FILETIME.

SystemTimeToFileTime system_time, local_file_time

' Convert it to a UTC time.

LocalFileTimeToFileTime local_file_time, utc_file_time

' Convert it to a SYSTEMTIME.

FileTimeToSystemTime utc_file_time, system_time

' Convert it to a Date.

SystemTimeToDate system_time, the_date

' Display the result.

txtUTCTime.Text = Format$(the_date)

End Sub

'Reverse the steps to go from a UTC time to the

'local file system time.

Use the SystemTimeToFileTime API function to convert the
SYSTEMTIME into a FILETIME structure.

Use the LocalFileTimeToFileTime API function to convert from
the localtime to UTC time.

Use the FileTimeToSystemTime API function to convert the UTC
time into a SYSTEMTIME structure.

Pull the fields out of the SYSTEMTIME to get the Visual Basic
date format.

( systemtime.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023