
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error Goto Worm
CommonDialog1.Action = 3
candy = Hex(CommonDialog1.Color)
suga = Len(candy)
If suga = 5 Then candy = "0" + candy
If suga = 4 Then candy = "00" + candy
If suga = 3 Then candy = "000" + candy
If suga = 2 Then candy = "0000" + candy
If suga = 1 Then candy = "00000" + candy
txtColor(1).Text = "#" + candy
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub cmdColor_Click(Index As Integer)
On Error Goto Worm
CommonDialog1.Action = 3
candy = Hex(CommonDialog1.Color)
suga = Len(candy)
If suga = 5 Then candy = "0" + candy
If suga = 4 Then candy = "00" + candy
If suga = 3 Then candy = "000" + candy
If suga = 2 Then candy = "0000" + candy
If suga = 1 Then candy = "00000" + candy
Text1.Text = "#" + candy
txtColor(cmdColor(Index)).Text = CommonDialog1.Color
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub TabStrip1_Click()
If TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Index = 1 Then
Text1.Visible = True
Command1.Visible = True
End If
If TabStrip1.SelectedItem.Index = 2 Then
txtLocation.Visible = True
cmdBrowse.Visible = True
txtLocation.Visible = False
cmdBrowse.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

'The following should be put in a module

Dim NonVis1 As Control, NonVis2 As Control, Visited As Boolean
Function TabStrip(Control1 As Control, Control2 As Control)
If Visited = True Then
NonVis1.Visible = False
NonVis2.Visible = False

'The first two controls (probably frames) that start as

'visible (on the leftmostTab)

'Set NonVis1 = Form1.Frame1 '<----|

'Set NonVis2 = Form1.Frame2 '<----/

'Visited = True

End If
Control1.Visible = True
Control2.Visible = True
Set NonVis1 = Control1
Set NonVis2 = Control2
Visited = True
End Function

Inputs:Make sure to change the name of the controls in the Form_Load
and the TabStrip1_Click or if you want, for example purposes, create
six Frames and one tabstrip.
And put the Function In the module and the rest in the form.

( tabstrip.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023