
Private Type Mp3Tag
Title As String * 30
Artist As String * 30
Album As String * 30
Year As String * 4
Comment As String * 30
End Type

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim TagInfo As Mp3Tag
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Tag As String * 3
FileNum = FreeFile
Open "c:\Demo.mp3" For Binary As FileNum
Seek #FileNum, LOF(FileNum) - 127
Get #FileNum, , Tag
If Tag = "TAG" Then
Get #FileNum, , TagInfo.Title
Get #FileNum, , TagInfo.Artist
Get #FileNum, , TagInfo.Album
Get #FileNum, , TagInfo.Year
Get #FileNum, , TagInfo.Comment
End If
Close #FileNum

Text1.Text = Trim(TagInfo.Title)
Text2.Text = Trim(TagInfo.Artist)
Text3.Text = Trim(TagInfo.Album)
Text4.Text = Trim(TagInfo.Year)
Text5.Text = Trim(TagInfo.Comment)

End Sub Place five text boxes on to a new form and
a command button and paste the code below
into the general declarations selection of
the form then Press F5.

( tagmp3.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023