
Sub Pause(ByVal nSecond As Single)
Dim tOut As Single
tOut = Timer
Do While Timer - tOut < nSecond
Dim junk As Integer
junk = DoEvents()
If Timer < tOut Then
tOut = tOut - CLng(24) * CLng(60) * CLng(60)
End If
End Sub

Sub Type_TextBox(txb As TextBox, txt As String, interval As Long)
Dim ln, n As Long
Dim NextLetter As String
ln = Len(txt)
For n = 1 To ln Step 1
NextLetter = Mid(txt, n, 1)
txb.Text = txb.Text & NextLetter
Pause interval
Next n
End Sub

Sub Type_Label(lbl As Label, txt As String, interval As Long)
Dim ln, n As Long
Dim NextLetter As String
ln = Len(txt)
For n = 1 To ln Step 1
NextLetter = Mid(txt, n, 1) 'gets one letter at a time
lbl.Caption = lbl.Caption & NextLetter
Pause interval
Next n
End Sub

( telescrivente.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023