
Public Function File2ALists(ByVal vFile As Variant, Optional ByVal strDelim As String) As clsArrayLists
'Implements Line2AList() to create an ArrayLists object

'collection/representation of an entired file

'Note: Be careful to lose memory when file is large

Dim objArrayLists As clsArrayLists
Dim intFile As Integer
On Error Goto errFile2ALists
Set objArrayLists = New clsArrayLists
intFile = GetFileNum(vFile, "Input", "Read")
Do While Not EOF(intFile)
'Loop to the end-of-file and add each line to the collection

objArrayLists.Add Line2AList(ReadFileLine(intFile), strDelim)
'Close vFile if this function opened it

If VarType(vFile) = vbString Then Close #intFile
Set File2ALists = objArrayLists
Set objArrayLists = Nothing
Exit Function
ShowErrorMess Err, "File2ALists"
End Function

Inputs:vFile As Variant
The filename or file number of the file To read
strDelim As String
The delimiter In the delimited text

Returns a clsArrayLists collection object containing the entire
delimited text file.

This function requires the ArrayList DLL, GetFileNum(), ReadFileLine(),
Line2AList() and ShowErrorMess(), all of which are available for download
as entries of this author.

( textdelim.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023