
Public Function TileBitmap(ByVal TheForm As Form, _
ByVal theBitmap As PictureBox)
Dim iAcross As Integer
Dim iDown As Integer
theBitmap.AutoSize = True
For iDown = 0 To (TheForm.Width \ theBitmap.Width) + 1
For iAcross = 0 To (TheForm.Height \ theBitmap.Height) + 1
TheForm.PaintPicture theBitmap.Picture, _
iDown * theBitmap.Width, iAcross * theBitmap.Height, _
theBitmap.Width, theBitmap.Height
Next iAcross, iDown
End Function

( tilebitmap.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023