
Public Sub LoadTree(ByVal tvTree As TreeView, ByVal sFileName As String)
'Function by Chetan Sarva (November 17, 1999)

'Please include this comment if you use this code.

Dim curNode As Node
Dim sDelimiter As String
Dim freef As Integer
Dim buf As String
Dim nodeparts As Variant
sDelimiter = "" ' We want something extremely unique to delimit
'each of the pices of our treeview

On Error Resume Next
'Get a free file and open our file for output

freef = FreeFile()
Open sFileName For Input As #freef
'Read in the current line

Line Input #freef, buf
'Split the line into pieces on our delimiter

nodeparts = Split(buf, sDelimiter)
'See if it's a root or child node and add accordingly

If nodeparts(3) = "parent" Then
curNode = tvTree.Nodes.Add(, , nodeparts(1), nodeparts(0))
curNode.Tag = nodeparts(2)
curNode = tvTree.Nodes.Add(nodeparts(3), tvwChild, nodeparts(1), nodeparts(0))
curNode.Tag = nodeparts(2)
End If
Loop Until EOF(freef)
Close #freef
End Sub

Public Sub SaveTree(ByVal tvTree As TreeView, ByVal sFileName As String)
'Function by Chetan Sarva (November 17, 1999)

'Please include this comment if you use this code.

Dim curNode As Node
Dim sDelimiter As String
Dim freef As Integer
sDelimiter = "" ' We want something extremely unique to delimit
'each of the pices of our treeview

On Error Resume Next
'Get a free file and open our file for output

freef = FreeFile()
Open sFileName For Output As #freef
'Loop through all the nodes and save all theimportant information

For Each curNode In tvTree.Nodes
If curNode.FullPath = curNode.Text Then
Print #freef, curNode.Text; sDelimiter; curNode.Key; _
sDelimiter; curNode.Tag; sDelimiter; "parent"
Print #freef, curNode.Text; sDelimiter; curNode.Key; _
sDelimiter; curNode.Tag; sDelimiter; curNode.Parent.Key
End If
Next curNode
Close #freef
End Sub

( treetotext.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023