
Public IsDelOrBack As Boolean
Public Function AutoComplete(TheText As TextBox, _
TheDB As Database, TheTable As String, _
TheField As String) As Boolean

On Error Resume Next
Dim OldLen As Integer
Dim dsTemp As Recordset
AutoComplete = False
If Not TheText.Text = "" And IsDelOrBack = False Then
OldLen = Len(TheText.Text)
Set dsTemp = TheDB.OpenRecordset _
("Select * from " & TheTable & " where " & TheField & _
" like '" & TheText.Text & "*'", dbOpenDynaset)

If Err = 3075 Then
'here we got a bug!!

End If
If Not dsTemp.RecordCount = 0 Then
TheText.Text = dsTemp(TheField)
If TheText.SelText = "" Then
TheText.SelStart = OldLen
TheText.SelStart = InStr(TheText.Text, TheText.SelText)
End If
TheText.SelLength = Len(TheText.Text)
AutoComplete = True
End If
End If
End Function

Public Function CheckIsDelOrBack(TheKey As Integer) As Boolean
'TheKey is the KeyAscii - all you gotta do is write

'CheckIsDelOrBack(KeyAscii) on the KeyDown event...

If TheKey = vbKeyBack Or TheKey = vbKeyDelete Then
IsDelOrBack = True
CheckIsDelOrBack = True
IsDelOrBack = False
CheckIsDelOrBack = False
End If
End Function

There are two functions in the module
The Function CheckIsDelOrBack checks it the key that was
pressed was Delete or BackSpace (so the code will be ignored)

The Other one (Autocomplete) ... autocompletes the textbox!!

This module makes that autocomplete thing in textboxes, you
start typing and the textbox is completed with the rest of
the word, just like IE 4.0

This module does the search in a table, not from a listbox or
other things. you will need to do 3 things before using the
functions from this module 1st Choose the textbox to do the
autocomplete thing 2nd On the OnKeyDown event of the textbox,
call the CheckIsDelOrBack function 3rd On the OnChangeEvent
of the textbox, call the AutoComplete function. If you have
more than one autocomplete textbox on the same form,set the
property keypreview of the form to true and call the function
CheckIsDelOrBack on the keydown event of the form instead of
calling it from the textbox keydown event.

KNOWN BUGS - it has problems when there is a " ' "
(apostrophe) in the table, because of the SQL statement.
The function will do the search correctly until it finds the
apostrophe, but after that, it gets all screwed up.
I couldn't figure how to fix that out, if you find a solution
for that, I would like to

( txtautocompl.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023