
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Passare la lista degli identificativi e la chiave di ricerca

Private Function MakeHTMLList(arrID() As Variant, strKEY As String)
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim FL As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

Dim strHead As String 'Parte iniziale
Dim strList As String 'Elenco dei titoli delle tips
Dim strBody As String 'Elenco dei codici delle tips
Dim strEnd As String 'Parte finale

Dim strTip As String 'Codice della tip
Dim strTipFormatted As String 'Codice formattato della tip

'Creo le stringhe

strHead = "<html><head><title>VBT32 CodeBookŪ 2000</title></head>"
strHead = strHead & "<body link=#000080 vlink=#000080 alink=#000080>"
strHead = strHead & "<p align=center><b><font face=arial size=6 color=#000080><u>"
strHead = strHead & "<a name=top></a>VBT32 CodeBookŪ 2000</u></font><font _
color=#000080 face=arial size=4><br></font></b>"
strHead = strHead & "<font color=#000080 face=arial size=4>Risultato ricerca _
con chiave: </font><b><font color=#FF0000 face=arial size=4>"
strHead = strHead & UCase$(strKEY) & "</font></b><br><br>"
strHead = strHead & "<div><font face=arial size=3 color=#000080><table _
border=0 width=100% cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5>"

Set dbs = OpenDatabase("MIODB.MDB")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrID)
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM codeitems WHERE ID=" & _
arrID(i) & ";", dbOpenForwardOnly)
strList = strList & "<tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC><b><a href=#" & rst!id & _
">[#" & rst!id & "] " & rst!Description & "</a></b></td></tr>"
strBody = strBody & "<tr><td width=100% bgcolor=#000080><b><font _
color=#FFFFFF><a name=" & rst!id & "></a>" & rst!id & " - " & _
rst!Description & "</font></b></td></tr>"
strBody = strBody & "<tr><td width=100%><font face=courier new size=3>"
'Prendo il codice per formattarlo

strTip = rst!code
For j = 1 To Len(strTip)
If Mid$(strTip, j, 2) = vbNewLine Then
'Inserisco il ritorno a capo

strTipFormatted = strTipFormatted & "<br>"
j = j + 1
ElseIf Mid$(strTip, j, 1) = vbLf Then
'Inserisco il ritorno a capo

strTipFormatted = strTipFormatted & "<br>"
j = j + 1
ElseIf Mid$(strTip, j, Len(strKEY)) = strKEY Then
'Coloro ed evidenzio la chiave di ricerca

strTipFormatted = strTipFormatted & _
"<span style=background-color:#FFFFCC><font _
color=#FF0000> " & strKEY & "</font></span>"
j = j + Len(strKEY) - 1
'Ricopio il carattere

strTipFormatted = strTipFormatted & Mid$(strTip, j, 1)
End If
Next j

'Imposto la tip formattata

strBody = strBody & strTipFormatted & "</font></td></tr></font></font>"
strBody = strBody & "<tr><td width=100%><p align=right><a href=#top><font _
face=arial color=#000080 size=1>Ritorna all'Inizio</font></a></td></tr>"
Next i

'Imposto la parte finale della lista dei titoli

strList = strList & "</table></div><p> </p><div><font _
face=arial size=3><table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5 width=100%>"
'Creo la parte finale della pagina

strEnd = "</tr></table></div><p> </p><p><font face=arial _
size=2>by <a href=mailto:programmer@vbt32.cjb.net>Piras M.</a>"
strEnd = strEnd & "& <a href=mailto:webmaster@vbt32.cjb.net>Sardi F.</a><br>"
strEnd = strEnd & "<a href=http://vbt32.cjb.net/>http://vbt32.cjb.net/</a></font> _
'Scrivo il file

FL = FreeFile
Open "C:\PROVAHTML.HTM" For Output As FL
Print #FL, strHead;
Print #FL, strList;
Print #FL, strBody;
Print #FL, strEnd;
Close FL
rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing
dbs.Close: Set dbs = Nothing

MsgBox "OK"
End Function

Private Function provalancio()
Dim arrID(5)
arrID(0) = 50
arrID(1) = 81
arrID(2) = 124
arrID(3) = 200
arrID(4) = 354
arrID(5) = 415
MakeHTMLList arrID, "DIM"
End Function

( txttohtml.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023