
'Text3, Text 4 and Data1 all have Visible

'property's set to False

Private Sub Command1_Click()
SearchStr$ = Text1.Text
'Search the database For the information

Data1.Recordset.Index = "User"
'This is my index Property

Data1.Recordset.Seek "=", SearchStr$
If Data1.Recordset.NoMatch = False And Text3.Text = _
Text2.Text Then
' If the text in Text1 = a record and the relation

' password text = correctly then...

' This sequence here is like a access detection..

' If the User only had access to this form and not that then

' you would add another invisible Text box and

' and grant access or restricted access to the form..

If Text4.Text = 0 Then
MsgBox "User Logged On to Unrestricted program"
ElseIf Text4.Text = 1 Then
MsgBox "User Logged On to Restricted program"
MsgBox "User Logged On to Default program"
End If
MsgBox "No access you piece of $#%^!"
End If
End Sub

Assumes:If understanding VB code is easy for you
don't read two much into the text..
This code uses the the following 4 Text boxes two
of which are invisible... set there properties of
Visible to = False It uses one Command Button and
1 Data control which property's of Visible is also
set to false The security For this code is not
complete.. To enhance the security when building a
database application you should password the
database and or encrypt the text and or put the
access file on a restricted drive..
You will need to build a database in Access or in
Visual Data Manager (comes With VB) build tables
of User Password and Access... In it you will need
a Index.. I used the term "User" (if you not sure
how to build or work with a database open up
northwind.mdb or biblio.mdb) Link data1 to the
database you created... Alright now link the
datasource of Text3 to data1 Then link datafield
as password.. Do the same For Text4 but link it to
datafield access.. Insert the code and make any
neccessary name changes.. and run.. Try out your
User name and password... Did you Get the the
proper MsgBox text?
Note the password is Case sensetive...
You can enhance this code For distinct User access
by User Type With the Access number.. Other things
I've done is add a Hello name to the database and
have it display when the user logs on correctly..
something like "Hi Mathew, Welcome" corny yes but
sort of cool..
I'd also recommened adding a Adminstrator control
form.. where you can easily change User name's,
add User names, delete... ect. ect. Of course a
Adminstrator would have to have a specific Access
number for that special form..
This code isn't perfect.. it can be better but..
It's a great way to Do a user/password database
With unlimited users and unlimited ways to restrict
access.. not to mention a great way to change all
the information..
Shortly I will put together a downloadable demo..
Side Effects:
There's that damn annoying.. VB messege..
No current record found..

( userpassinfo.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023