XML - Lettura degli elementi

Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Schema
Imports System.IO

Module SchemaGenerator
Sub Main()
' Create a new instance of an XML schema

Dim Schema As XmlSchema = New XmlSchema()

' Produce the following XSD in the document

' <element name="Book">

Dim ElementBook As New XmlSchemaElement()
ElementBook.Name = "Book"

' <complexType>

Dim ComplexType As New XmlSchemaComplexType()
ElementBook.SchemaType = ComplexType

Dim Sequence As New XmlSchemaSequence()
ComplexType.Particle = Sequence

' <element name="Title" ...

Dim ElementTitle As New XmlSchemaElement()
ElementTitle.Name = "Title"

' Indicate that the data type of the Title element is not just

' "any" string, but the string as defined by the W3C's namespace

ElementTitle.SchemaTypeName = New XmlQualifiedName("string", _

Dim ElementPublisher As New XmlSchemaElement()
ElementPublisher.Name = "Publisher"
ElementPublisher.SchemaTypeName = New XmlQualifiedName("string", _


' Just because we used code to create all the nodes, it doesn't mean

' that the schema is automatically valid. We need to compile the schema

' before we write it to make sure it is valid.

Schema.Compile(New ValidationEventHandler(AddressOf ValidationHandler))
End Sub

Sub ValidationHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As ValidationEventArgs)
Console.WriteLine("Schema Validation Failed.")
End Sub
End Module

( xmlletturadeglielementitag.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023