XML - Lettura di singoli campi in XML

Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data

Module DataDocumentSample
Sub Main()
Dim DSStudentClasses As New DataSet()
Dim tmpNode As XmlNode

' Load the schema into the DataSet


' Load the DataSet into the data document

Dim XDocStudents As New XmlDataDocument(DSStudentClasses)

' Load the data into the data document


Console.WriteLine("Students in DataSet:")
Dim Row As DataRow
For Each Row In DSStudentClasses.Tables("Student").Rows

' If we try to access the locker combination or age, we'll

' throw an exception!

Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", Row("Name"), Row("GPA"))
tmpNode = XDocStudents.GetElementFromRow(Row)
Console.WriteLine( _
" Locker Combination (from XML, not DataSet): {0}", _

' De-comment the following lines to generate an exception

' Console.WriteLine( _

' " Locker Combination (from DataSet): {0}", _

' Row("LockerCombination"))

Dim Subject As DataRow
For Each Subject In Row.GetChildRows("StudentClasses")
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", Subject("Title"))
End Sub
End Module

( xmlletturadisingolicampiinxml.html )- by Paolo Puglisi - Modifica del 17/12/2023